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Apparently You Can Pay at Whole Foods Using Your Palm...

My friend just sent this to me after seeing it at a Whole Foods in California:

With how easy it already is to tap a card, why would anybody sign up to use this for payment? It's mind boggling to me.

Screw just your finger prints, Amazon already has access to that database thanks to the 5-0, so they now want to know every line on your hand! Best at least give people palm readings after the sign up! /s

  • Might help some people realize that fingerprints are not as secure as they think.

    • With the right skin conditions, they're fuckin' useless for authentication purposes. My skin peels around my fingers on occasion, and devices completely fail to read me when they do.

  • I would do this if it wasn't a part of the US tech-military-intelligence system. It is nice. I certainly don't need it though. Don't give these people the tools to kill more efficiently. Not like I can afford to shop at Whole Paycheck anyways

  • It's not hard to obtain someone's biometric data. My concern wouldn't be Amazon knowing my handprint (my government has my handprint, Amazon can just ask them if they want), but how incredibly easy it is to just get a print of someone else's palm and charge them for your shopping. Pretty silly to use any biometrics as a primary authenticator rather than as a 2FA option.