This CL moves the base::Feature from content_features.h to
a generated feature from runtime_enabled_features.json5.
This means that the base::Feature can be default-enabled
while the web API is co...
Time to De-Google I guess. I will keep using Firefox and if or when I come across any website pulling this crap I won't hesitate to blast them to eternity. I suggest everyone else do the same please.
I’m just going to stop using sites that implement this tech. Maybe I’ll even make a site and actually contribute to the web with all the free time I’ll have 😇
How do you "de-google" when most websites expect most browsers to use chromium and start requiring this to ensure companies buying ad space get the best bang for their buck security?
Most websites? Haven't come across one yet (I am using Firefox on all devices and don't have any other browser installed) ... Do you have any examples?
I agree it is an uphill battle, but it must start somewhere. Else, it only gets worse, and then movements against such abuses will get easily crushed. As I like to say, "the hardest part of a journey is the first step", but also "the future belongs to those who prepare now".
I like AOSP based roms (Monet and material you) and Pixel Launcher, I use (a bit Google Assistant) and Gmail, Google maps, YouTube... Even Chrome (and I'm pretty sure many macOS apps are Chromium based), how do I even start lol.
There are AOSP based roms that are de-googled. You can use third party app stores to download foss software, or other 3rd party stores that let you download from Google play (aurora). iPhone is basically the only other choice, but it's not any better in this context.
Lots of alternative email providers. Protonmail is one.
For maps, openstreetmap exists. You can also use Google maps without an account inside a secure browser. That will minimize data collection.
You can use a downloader (yt-dlp or a gui that wraps it) for YouTube, or use a 3rd party app like NewPipe. Again, using YouTube without an account in a secure browser is an option.
Chrome can obviously be replaced with Firefox/LibreWolf. If you must have a chromium based browser, you can use ungoogled chromium. chrlauncher is a small app that can be used to make it easy on windows and keep it updated.
You cant really do anything about the apps that use chromium internally for rendering, besides finding replacements.
It's small, but here's a real actionable item that you can do to help:
Put a gentle "Use Firefox" (or any other non-Chromium-based browser) message on your website. It doesn't have to be in-your-face, just something small. I've taken my own advice and added it to my own website: (Only appears in Chromium-based browsers.)
We can slowly turn the tide, little by little.
Copy and paste:
This site is designed for <a href="">Firefox</a>,
a web browser that respects your privacy.
<p class="not-firefox-warning">
This site is designed for <a href="">Firefox</a>,
a web browser that respects your privacy.
@-moz-document url-prefix() { .not-firefox-warning { display: none; }}
I have a banner on mine as well that I did a couple weeks ago:
I’m mad tho since it has false positives with Mulch / Bromite on Android. I wasn’t able to find something right away to detect it, but the DRM stuff would probably work.
IE in the 2000's called, it wants it's dream back.
Between this, hobbling adblockers and performing enough monopolistic acts to warrant swift government action, I really see this more as Chrome dying than the web itself.
Honestly this won't effect me a ton, though I wouldn't be surprised if I have to boot up a windows virtual machine just to check my bank in a few years cause my bank doesn't know what Linux is and doesn't want go trust it. I'm mad about it but given slowly but surely I've been replacing everything with FOSS stuff. I just fear one day they will force you to use corpo approved software to use WiFi , or get cell service
It will likely not work inside a VM. Haven't looked into the implementation, but they will probably want to use the hardware DRM manufacturers have been sneaking into the CPUs and GPUs.
So you will be required to use "approved" CPU, "approved" OS and "approved" browser to access certain websites, as it is already the case with online streaming. You can kiss foss goodbye.
Just keep dropping Google shit and recommending to others.Critical mass will be hit at some point. There are too many smart and capable people in the world to succumb to a Google world.
Question for anyone with more understanding of the implementation…
Doesn’t this still presume the browser tells the truth to the third party attester? Could we not build something that just straight up lies to the attester? Says I’m a good Google chrome user with no extensions please serve me ads sir?
My understanding was that the browser vendor itself would be the attester. So if Google says it's Google Chrome, it probably is. Unless you somehow reverse engineer how Google decides that it's Google Chrome and spoof that or something...
This system would use cryptography and hardware to make sure that you are unable to lie about any of this. Basically, there is a chip inside your CPU that contains special keys installed by the manufacturer. However, this chip only activates itself when it detects that your device is running the approved software. Furthermore, it is made (almost) impossible to open this chip and retrieve the keys without destroying it.
I would like to bring your attention to Google’s recent proposal to add a feature to its Chrome (Chromium family) of browsers called Web Environment Integrity. This provides a mechanism to reinforce Google’s already dominant browser market position by creating a technological control that can be used to nullify a user’s choice of browser, device and operating system. This technology also has the potential for abuse by preventing users from using browser extensions that can enhance security by blocking unwanted and potentially malicious content, as well as browser extensions that help vulnerable users with enhanced accessibility needs, such as color blindness and visual impairment.
Google’s dominant, near-monopoly position in the browser market already harms me as a consumer by reducing browser choices and preventing a competitive market for developing new browsers. Allowing Google to include this feature will reduce my browser choices and consolidate the browser market even further, and it is incumbent on [INSERT AUTHORITY HERE] to take action against this abusive behavior.
People saying de-google like google isn't in the position Microsoft was in when they killed Netscape. It's over y'all, once it's in chromium it's the standard, period. The open web is dead.
Get out of here with that defeatist attitude lol. There's this little browser called Firefox. They take privacy and ad-blocking very seriously, and the browser is excellent and faster than Chrome now.
I made the switch about six months ago and never looked back, and I am deep in the Googlesphere.
It. Doesn't. Matter. What. Firefox. Does. What part of google controls 3/4 of the web don't you understand? If google puts it in Firefox has no choice, do it too or die. 5-10% of browsers not using it will not change anything except to lower that number to less than 1%.
Unfortunately this little browser called Firefox has an insignificant amount of user share and pretty much no say in anything. While they might take privacy and ad blocking very seriously, they don't take feedback and their users seriously at all, being very aimed at the "let's make our userbase even smaller" after each decision or change.
Also, Firefox is only faster than Chrome on synthetic tests on Windows 10, not reflecting real world usage in any shape or form, and on Android it's just comically slower than any other browser available.
And as a disclaimer, I'm a Firefox user for ever 10 years now, but I fully understand that while we might win some battles here or there, the war is already lost and it's only a matter of time now. I'm also getting really tired of all the upkeep Firefox demands of me to be usable by my standards and all of Mozilla's shenanigans.
Google isn't alone in the box. The different governments and states should be in the box with them. It's not like people warned Google and other corps are a threat to competition and freedom.
We didn't see anything coming as antitrust procedure.