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  • I'll never forget my surprise when I put the Half-Life 1 CD into a player and got the soundtrack.

  • My favorite thing was burning discs with hidden tracks, especially before track 1. Or inserting a song/sound within a track requiring you to seek to find it.

    Too bad for me this was around the time CDs were on their way out, but I hold hope that my old friends from those days might still have those discs.

  • hate how streaming just has the last song be 20 minutes of silence and then playing the secret song. for gods sake can we please just shorten that, it fucks with my playlists

    • Some cds were like that. Others had 90 1 second tracks.

      • Marilyn Manson's 'Antichrist Superstar' had 99 tracks. That confused the fuck out of me when I first put it in my player.

      • liars debut album is an odd one, on vinyl the last 2 bars of the last song are on the part of the vinyl that repeats, but on cd they just repeated those 2 bars for the maximum length of a cd and now on streaming that song is like 5 minutes of music and 25 minutes of the same 2 bars

    • Enjoy the silence.

  • Sometimes videos and games too

    • Makes me think of Monster Rancher on PSX where the monster generated was based on what disc you put in. You could use literally any disc. Such a cool idea.

      • Not CD based but barcode battlers too how did that all fall off in game design.

  • I wish Discogs wouldn't use PayPal so I could still use it (it would appear I got shadow-banned). I only have 4 CDs...

    Anyway, I got one with a hidden track which I only noticed visually on Teamwork by DJs@Work. Since there's a while of silence, the audio part is visibly spaced out on furthermost part of the disc.