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Currently learning German. Die/Der/Das was completely fine, as my native tongue already has something similar, although we don't have neutral nouns and half the time the words in German do not have the same gender that we attribute to them.
No idea what die/vier/fälle is yet.
Die vier Fälle:
Oh, that. Only seen the nominativ and akkusativ for now.
The other two are behind a paywall.
Hopefully it's included with one of the apps or classes I've already paid for.
Forget about Genitiv and use Dativ instead. (As most normal Germans do, much to the dismay of self declared intellectuals and language preservers)
Solch unerhörte Freveley! Schäme er sich in Grund und Boden!
Ihr wollet mih doch niht gleyh an den Pranger stellen nur weyl ih so reden mag wie mir wol der Schnabel gewachsen sey!
Mih dünket, ir seyd ein wohlgebildeter Sprachmagikus, ergo müsset ir euer Sprachniveau niht auf bäuerliches Niveau herabsetzen!
Oh Euer Durchlaucht sind der französischen Sprache mächtig, seid ihr ein Höfling gar?