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  • Being able to comment and post without jumping through arbitrary hoops. No automod bots telling me I need 10 karma to post, no oops sorry not allowed to share external links to other websites, no oh no sharing pictures in the comments below post. Lemmy aligns with the principles of respecting user interaction on a technical level and not choking the life out of you with corporate TOS regulation.

    Lemmy is not perfect. I am not really politically or ideologically aligned with a lot of the stuff the community as a whole is into, so being constantly exposed to the same themes and propaganda over and over gets a little grating. However I'm happy to deal and tolerate as long as I feel respected by the platform as a intelligent person using an open free as in freedom discussion fourm and not made to feel like yet another drone fueling a corpo content mill.

  • If by culture you mean Lemmy's users values, beliefs, or ideals there is nothing special I appreciate (or don't appreciate). I mean, for me it's irrelevant as it's all personal preferences like the fact that I don't like bananas, or that we have not owned a TV for 25 years (glad to know others may share similar preferences, but it's no big deal if they don't).

    I care about Lemmy itself not being like Reddit. It's not ad-driven, there is no algorithmic 'optimization',, it's not trying to milk our content and also it's not being owned by one of those billionaires that think their pile of money means they know better than all of us. In that, it's very different than Reddit, but at the same time I also expect to meet similar kind of people on Lemmy I used to meet on Reddit.

    Interesting, or less interesting, people. People I agree with, and more often people I do not agree with (which is fine by me). Very smart people, while others do have the brain power of a brick. Nice people, or naughty or even hateful ones. People whose values I share, others I don't and never will (you can go funk yourself, fascists of all types). People who like what I like, and many others that don't and never will (see my banana and TV examples ;).

    And then I also expect tp meet people who think it's enough to ask their question without even trying to give it the some context or explanation (say, people who ask what we appreciate most in Lemmy culture without explaining what they mean by that), next to people that try their best to give as much context/explanation as they can ;)

    Edit: typos + clarifications.

  • I love that no one ever blinks an eye when I run naked through here. You guys are so cool!

  • Apologies for saying this, but if I'm being completely honest about it, it's more of what I hate less about the Lemmy culture, than I do the Reddit culture. The lesser of two evils kind of thing.

    On the plus side, it does seem like it has less corporate censorship than Reddit does.

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