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From Solarpunk to Fedipunk - fueling a saturated movement with new energy /2hzlaqp5q4
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What do you think of this? Do you think it is a good idea and could take off?

  • Isn't decentralization already part of the solarpunk ideology? Seems like the internet in a solarpunk world would just be the fediverse, but it's normalized instead of alternative.

    Honestly instead of fracturing a movement, this is something that, if not already part of solarpunk, could easily be encompassed within it. No need for splintering and factions. Just co-opt the way capitalism does to make the movement stronger.

    • Yeah dezentralized technology is part of it - but it was never part of the asthetic. They never imagined how to depict it. For example in this world you may have data centeres in local towns, which are a normal part of the infrastructure to host the towns social media instance, etc. You have dezentralized communities, actual digital nomads, all of this stuff never gets depicted in Solarpunk - perhaps because its hard to depict.

      Its not about splintering and factions. It could be just a variant of the bigger genre.

      • Ohh I see, I was concerned less with the aesthetics and more with the practicality. But when taking the image into consideration, this fedipunk sounds a bit like combining solarpunk and cyberpunk in a way. Which is great. We definitely need the best of both worlds, and I'm always trying to tell people that solarpunk doesn't need to be all dirt and DIY. Tech can and should totally be implemented.

        I see what you mean now. More like the blending and overlapping of music/literary genres and less of separate branches or offshoots of political parties.