Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28.
Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28.
Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28.
Easy fix: don't buy this garbage to begin with. It's terrible for the environment, terrible for your privacy, of dubious value to begin with.
If every man is an onion, one of my deeper layers is crumudgeon. So take that into account when I say fuck all portable speakers. I'm so tired of hearing everyone's shitty noise. Just fucking everywhere. It takes one person feeling entitled to blast the shittiest music available to ruin everyone in a 500yd radius's day. If this is you, I hope you stub your toe on every coffee table, hit your head on every door jam, miss every bus.
I have a Google home. The only reason I have it is because Spotify gave them away for free back in 2019. It sits unplugged somewhere.
jk (I hope)
That's covered by my phone.