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  • I coded several of my early mobile app releases entirely in gedit. Good times.

    I sometimes forget how good we have it now. I wrote those apps around 2012 and the DX for the platforms was basically non-existent. Virtually every platform had shit documentation, shit version management, a shit IDE with minimal refactoring features, a shitty debugging experience, and everything felt like it was being botched together by 3 guys in their spare time.

    It's incredible now that we have things like hot reloading. You can literally save a change and BAM it's on the screen seconds later. On native platforms no less. Astounding.

  • Code in MS Word because it handles tabs correctly, unlike all code editors.

    Tab means "move to the next tabstop", not "advance a fixed amount".

    (I don't do it, I'm not THAT insane)

    • Me: hits return.

      Word: "Sure, here, a new line. I already indented it for you, same as the one before. Like a good IDE."

      Me: "That's nice of you, Word, but I want this one to be indented one tab stop less than the line before." Hits delete.

      Word: "Delete, you say? Sure, back to the line before."

      Me: "No, no! Just delete one tab! Maybe, if I select the line and hit dele..."

      Word: "Why of course!"

      Me: "Shit, it's gone. Undo! Hmm... Move the thingy here on top?"

      Word: "Move all the lines you say? No problem!"

      Me: "Nvm, I'll just indent everything by hand with spaces."