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34,000! Largest rally that Bernie or AOC have ever had

  • Okay, 34,000 people gathered together for their cause, and then what? What did they actually do?

    Did they use the opportunity to communicate and organise themselves, set concrete goals and choose the leaders of their movement that could execute on these goals with their support? Did they all leave with an understanding of what their next actionable steps towards their goals would be?

    I look at this a bit like a work meeting in a way, you've gathered people together but if all they're accomplishing is hanging out patting each other on the back for agreeing with each other for a few hours then wrapping up, that's a pointless meeting.

    They need to have a command structure, an organised plan, and a goal with concrete next steps to try to work towards it.

    34,000 people took time off work, away from their families, etc, to travel there for something they're very passionate about, you'd think they'd use that time with their allies wisely and constructively, right?

    Given that the media isn't on their side, just showing up in large numbers to mill about for a bit isn't going to make big waves, it'll be quietly reported on and immediately forgotten by those not already a part of their cause. Protesting just isn't going to cut it. Not until 34,000 becomes 3,400,000 anyway.

    But it's still a great opportunity to build your new movement. Imagine if all those people had gone home knowing who is in charge, what the chain of command is (it's not like everyone can liaise with the movement's leader directly all the time, you need a structure to your movement/organisation), and imagine if they had a concrete plan of actionable things they can do before the next meetup (which should have been set by those leading at lower parts of the organisation - don't leave an important meeting without knowing when your next check-in will be).

    Imagine what they could do if they really, actually organised for effective action, instead of just harmlessly protesting.

    They have so much power, they've just never been taught how to wield it.