I had a container with a DB crap itself yesterday so I'm trying to speed up my learning to back up stuff.
I came across a script that taught me how to back-up a containerized postgres db at given intervals and it works. I managed to create db dumps and restore them. I've documented everything and now my whole docker-compose/env etc are on git control.
There's one part of the script I don't decypher but I'd like to maybe change it. It is about the number of back-up copies.
Here's the line from the tutorial:
ls -1 /backup/*.dump | head -n -2 | xargs rm -f
Can someone explain to me what this line does?
I'd like to keep maybe 3 copies just in case the auto-backup backs up a rotten one.
I just looked up the man page, and actually head -n -2 means "everything up to but not including the last two lines", so this should always leave two files remaining.