Donald Trump's approval rating plunges with baby boomers
Donald Trump's approval rating plunges with baby boomers

Donald Trump's approval rating plunges with baby boomers

Donald Trump's approval rating plunges with baby boomers
Donald Trump's approval rating plunges with baby boomers
They were completely fine with screwing everyone else over, fucking up the planet so long as the chief consequences didn't hit until AFTER they died off, but now that their Social Security is on the chopping block they're finally noticing.
Lots of leopards eating people's faces these days. Probably shouldn't have voted for the leopards eating people's faces party.
Does he care about approval rating anymore? If he stays in power, it won't be though an election.
He needs enough support that his most rabid fans will keep calling into congress with death threats if they don't let Trump do whatever he wants. The calls to congressional offices asking them to do fucking anything will drown those out.
Active duty service members look at how much veterans benefits are being cut--things they were planning on having for themselves later--which means the military isn't a reliable path to maintaining indefinite power. If Hegseth goes down, then they've thrown away any chance of controlling the military. He was supposed to be The Guy for that.
He's got ICE and maybe the FBI. Those can cause havoc on individuals, such as Gaza protesters and green card holders, but they're too small to grip the entire nation.
A lot will come down to city police and county sheriffs throwing in their support.
Who cares now? It's only 2.5 months in, and so much PERMANENT damage has already been done. Nobody will ever trust the US again. The only time his approval ratings will matter is if he tries to declare himself President or push through allowing him to run for a 3rd term.
His ratings could be 0% with every demographic, and the Republicans MIGHT vote to impeach him.... maybe. And maybe his ratings might matter a little in TWO YEARS during mid-term elections. But that is two more years of him looting and pillaging and destroying the country.
Dictators don't ask for another term.
Well, you see, the boomers are finally having a generally harmful and cruel policy/leader/platform they've supported for decades because it makes them feel validated... actually affect them personally in a negative way, so now the lizard brain is activated, and they become angry.
The narcissist can't actually empathize, only sympathize. A narcissist is the only person that exists, every one else is all 'other people'.
Yes, I am speaking generally, obviously not all boomers are like this... but boomer is a mindset, a mindset of privelege, inherent superiority, coddling, demanding respect far more than you deserve, never being wrong or needing to learn anything and update your world knowledge, and always, always, offering useless, ineffective advice in a condescending, infallible tone.
... It's just that that mindset is more common in American boomers than any other generational cohort.
Journal Link:
Actual Full PDF of study in (via?) google scholar:
Give it time, and I bet younger generations will surpass them by a country mile. Most likely skipping Gen X since they grew up pre-digital like the boomers, but were completely ignored and lived nearly all their lives in the shadow of boomers.
Why? Well, partly because of their numbers, but I see quite a bit of narcissism in younger generations, and unlike the boomers who, yes, grew up in a media that showered constant attention and praise on them and their outsized numbers, media is now entirely tailored to make it all about the individual.
I don't see any reason to believe that human nature won't fall prey to this in younger generations...if the boomers were steeped most of their lives in algorithms trained on maximizing engagement, they would be even worse. Now imagine a new group of people that have been fed that their entire lives...
It does matter, but I agree with the consensus that a massive amount of damage has been done, and will continue to be done.
Everyone who did not vote, or who voted for Trump, has let their nation, their friends, and their families down. America is in a state of descent and degradation.
Right? Not like millions of people very consistently pointed out every fucking bullshit lie and crime.
I find it baffling that there is still a double digit percentage of people who think the orange retard is a good president after these 2 months of nonstop disasters.
Half of American adults have literacy skills at our below the 6th grade level. That's functional illiteracy for an adult. They can read the individual words, but they don't grasp the full meaning of them or together if it's anything more than surface level.
They don't know wtf is going on around them.
Those people had 4 years and then some of constant disasters and enthusiastically voted for him to do it again. They're hopeless.
Yeah, nothing’s ‘plunged’ at all. He’s still in the 45-49% approval rating he’s had since taking office. Hell, any ‘dips’ are statistically insignificant enough to possibly be rounding errors.
From the article, it was a 10% drop in approval ratings from boomers, compared to <3% drops among other groups (who already had a lower opinion of him)
The weirdest fucking thing is that before the election, Republicans were desperate to NOT have Trump as their candidate. But now they enthusiastically beat their drums to the collapse of the country
Politicians in this country are totally focused on the next election. Every once in a while you get someone who can see ten or twenty years down the line, but those are the rare exceptions.
Trump is getting votes, and that's all that counts.
Even in a sewer something has to be swimming at the top. They individually hope to be that something.
Republicans would be the first ones to bend the knee to escape the purges.
I'll believe it when I fucking see it. My Aunts and Uncles still love him, and they're not even American.
I notice that a lot with people that aren't even American.
What fucking business do they have with American politics? Go get citizenship before they pipe in on matters.
It’s a global society, so American politics affects us all.
Last time he was in he did some shit that made timber prices jack up in Australia. Everything affects everything these days.
I hate him, he’s a dumb cunt.
I have a few friends that are Canadians that love Trump and want to be apart of the States. Then start your immigration process and F off then!
Deal with the ICE and the border and tell us how lovely it is.
Tbf the US probably has a military base in their country that they never asked for.
Holy shit, I get that polls don't always tell a complete picture, but this dude lost 10 points of approval ratings with boomers in a single week.
Republican Utah Senator John Curtis said on Meet the Press on Sunday: "We're not being honest when we look people in the eye and say we're not going to touch [Social Security]. If we don't touch it, it touches itself. You know that, right?
Social Security would've been fine if they didn't keep raiding it for spending money :(
Scrap the damn cap
Scrap the cap! Scrap the cap!
Any time money was borrowed from the SSA fund, it was replaced with Treasury bonds.
Social security is running out of money because the median wage have been pretty stagnant for decades, Anne more and more money is being shifted to people who already cap out their contribution for the year, so less is going in.
Raise wages across the board, significantly, and Social Security fixes itself
Along with that demographic dying off.
We’re “Boomers” the main problem in this election? Were they the Trumpers…?
Voters 50-plus put their weight behind Republican Trump over Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. These voters favored Trump over Harris, 52 to 47 percent, according to AP VoteCast.
They were also a majority of the electorate, though that number differs slightly depending on the source. AP VoteCast, which starts surveying voters a week before Election Day in order to capture early voters, reports that voters 50-plus constituted 52 percent of the electorate. Traditional exit polls, which survey people as they leave the polls on election day, put that number at 55 percent.
Middle-aged voters were especially influential in tilting the election to Trump. A commanding 56 percent of voters ages 50-64 cast ballots for Trump, with 43 percent voting for Harris, exit polls show. The candidates were tied at 49 percent among voters 65 and older. The two age groups together comprise well over half of the national electorate, meaning they provided the critical difference for the returning president-elect.
Trump improved his performance among voters among those 50 to 64 by 4 percentage points from his previous presidential run in 2020, exit polling shows.
“The older voters showed up,” says Republican pollster Bob Ward, a partner with Fabrizio Ward who teamed up with a Democratic counterpart to conduct AARP’s bipartisan preelection surveys this year. “It was big, and we didn’t see any surge of younger voters coming out in full force…. It’s the reason why Trump is now the president-elect.”
Yeah I think people miss how much of trumpers are Gen X as well as Boomers and Gen X are the much more active support.
White male boomers leaned right, but most categories were 50/50 split:
With the exception of the Christians.
Last time I checked they actually voted for Harris. It was Gen Z and Gen X that voted for Trump
18-29 was 51/47 Harris. 30-44 was 50/47 Harris. 45-64 was 46/52 Trump. 65+ was 47/51 Trump.
So Gen X did vote Trump, but so did Boomers. Gen Y and Gen Z voted Harris.
Not sure where you're checking, but it seems like you're misinformed
Young people were more likely to vote for Harris compared with all other age groups, according to CIRCLE.
Gen X
Hey, someone mentioned us!
that voted for Trump
I guess it's true that people generally grow conservative as they get older, but come on guys, we were better than this. Plus both Gen-X and Boomers knew about Trump and his shit long before he became political. Did all the ones voting for him as some better choice get dementia or something? I never forgot how the first times he tries running for office even as a Democrat it was more of a joke than anything else. Still is, but Jesus, people bought it hook, line, sinker, pole, boat...
Gen Z still voted Harris. I think the news was just that the youngest generation typically breaks for Democrats far more than they did this time and a higher percentage voted Republican than they normally do.
LOL so already low approval ratings plunge further
yea it was, i believe it was mostly due to X and joe rogans, j peterson incel types too. i think what change for boomers is they realize republicans were not helping boomers out in thier older years, threatening thier SS, medicaid,,etc, and general attitude towards older people. i remember a article like 1-2 years ago, in an article a life long republican in trump area said they voted for biden because the Republicans were not nice to 55+people.
Republican Utah Senator John Curtis said on Meet the Press on Sunday: "... If we don't touch it, it touches itself."
Texas about to outlaw social security as porn!
Yessss Republicans keep grabbing that 3rd rail. Clutch it tighter!
“Number of baby boomers plunging”
These people are a rapidly diminishing factor
Take the Plunge!!!
So? Who cares. How does this matter in any way at this point?