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  • On one hand, they're crap jobs. On the other hand, in most economies we have crap jobs not because they're necessary for productivity, but to give us an excuse to pay people to live.

    Maybe if enough jobs are lost to automation, we'll start to rethink the structure of a society that only allows people to live if they're useful to a rich person.

    Essentially, we're just still doing feudalism with extra steps, and it's high time we cut that nonsense out.

    • I think once workers can be replaced, there will be some virus that wipes out most of humanity. No point keeping billions of people around if they aren't needed.

      • Username checks out... suffice to say that a time of increasing social unrest is on the way, when it's even easier for the haves to sideline the have nots than it already was.

    • We have crappy jobs because jobs need doing and it was still cheaper to get humans to do it without a substantial loss in functionality. They don't exist because of some form of social altruism, as evidenced by the fact that as soon as a semi-viable alternative is offered then the jobs are gone.

      With the dynamic shifting to automation, prematurely I would add, then employers are seeing a much cheaper way to achieve 80% of what they currently offer.