What are some herbal teas you would consider essential in a well-stocked tea collection?
What are some herbal teas you would consider essential in a well-stocked tea collection?
What are some herbal teas you would consider essential in a well-stocked tea collection?
Rooibos - not a tea plant so it does not fuck with your sleeping schedule, great hot or cold and with any kind of (tea/coffee) condiment.
+1 on this. I have a big bag. I also have earl grey rooibos and chai rooibos which are both great.
Just don't drink tons of this stuff. A known side effect is that it can cause chest discomfort. Ask me how I know.
Edit: Chest discomfort is only an issue if you drink a LOT of it. Normal human level consumption doesn't cause problems.
The taste reminds me of cigarettes personally
Rooibos is just an inferior version of honeybush.
Change my mind.
Don't get me wrong, I love honeybush but the honeybush that I've had has always been a very light flavour compared to rooibos. Like, with rooibos I feel like I'm having tea as opposed to honeybush essenced hot water
You rang?
I love that stuff, especially with a bit of vanilla.
Mint is my go to herbal tea. Aside from being a great late night tea, it grows like a weed in many places and so you can make your own rather easily!
specifically peppermint
Rooibos, mint, and chamomile for sure.
I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far for chamomile
Bengal Spice!
I fucking love Bengali spice tea. Mix with honey and it’s the best.
I got into this in a biiiig way when I was recuperating from Covid and Long Covid and had to cut right back on caffeine. I've got quite a few of my friends addicted as well. I drink it with oat milk and it's nearly like Indian chai.
Been trying to cut back on my evening alcohol consumption. Its a simple, very flavor forward herbal tea, and its been a great drink for winding down and resetting for the night. I dont know what it is, but im a fan. Mint tea didnt do that, but a cup or two of bengal spice seems to be what i personally crave now.
Pine needle tea. It's just pine needles. Maybe it's the placebo effect, but it always seems to give me a boost when I feel a cold coming on.
High in Vitamin C. Pretty sure I've heard it linked to sailors using it to avoid scurvy
In addition to that others have recommended, Labrador tea and American Wintergreen.
Mate 🧉
Mate and lemongras + ginger
Both 50:50
I love to add ginger too, and some guarana for extra caffeine ;)
Valerian root tea is one I’m familiar with but not sure I’ve seen in regular stores
I love valerian root with some skullcap to help me sleep! When I first opened a box with valerian root, I was put off because it smelled like feet. Now it smells like any other plant to me, but I get a kick out of sharing the smell with someone who has never experienced it before. The recoil and look of disgust is always funny.
Yarrow, Plantain, and Solidago are all plants that help with various health issues. I'm pretty big on foraging, but these plants are amazing to keep around to either add to teas or make for teas.
If you are looking for something a bit stronger, Mr. T. He's less about herbal. More about kicking ass.
Liquorice and peppermint I absolute favourite
Chamomile, catnip, pine, a powdered antacid (like calcium carbonate or baking soda), and something with turmeric.
Im...not sure putting baking soda into a glass of water is really, in spirit, a tea. Kind of like saying Kool-Aid and Alka-Seltzer is tea?
Ginger and roasted dandelion root.
Catnip is wonderful.
I like to mix some catnip and mint to brew my own tea.
Found the cat.
Nice try, cat
I have a hard time picking one, but Senna has some practical medicinal uses so it should probably be in there.
I love tulsi / holy basil, but there seems to only be a couple of brands that do it here (UK) and they're usually a bit pricey.
Mint and ginger are essential, I try to keep some sort of valerian around too.
Something that can be grown somewhat locally. For me it would be hibiscus flowers.
Top-shelf dog name as well 🐩
Agreed, it pairs well with lots of things in addition to being pleasant by itself.
Mugicha! It's Japanese barley tea. Very cozy and full-bodied.
Jamaica, ginger
Chrysanthemum tea is a favorite of mine.
Excellent on its own or with rock sugar if you’re looking for a sweet treat :)
'Schietwettertee' mit Minze, Fenchel, Anis und Kümmel!
I've been alternating between green & lemongrass+ginseng for a couple of months.
Moroccan mint
Is that fenugreek?
No, it's Mentha spicata var. crispa 'Moroccan': https://www.gardenia.net/plant/mentha-spicata-var-crispa-moroccan
Peppermint. Rosehip. Chamomile. All these people are talking about black tea, instead of herbal teas, very odd.
I should have specified tisanes tbh.
Jasmine tea. English breakfast. Earl and lady grey. They're a must have.
Those are all tea, rather than herbal tea.
Chamomile(relaxation), lavender(relaxation), peppermint(nausea deterrent), and lemon(sore throats and the like). Catnip's also kinda neat when tea'd; got an interesting flavor to it, but I'm not sure if there's any therapeutic benefits to that.
Decaf green tea, steeped at room-temperature, so NO tannins get into my tea...
possilby rooibos, but haven't had it in awhile, so don't know if that's still valid...
possibly something with cardamom seeds in it?
( :
You called?
I can let the decaf tea slide, but ROOM TEMPERATURE tea? YOU DISGUST ME!
Welp, reading this thread caused me to make a cup of tea.
Honeybush and red bush (aka rooibos) are two excellent South African herbal teas that are utterly delicious. Honeybush is hard to find though.
I also keep cardamom tea on hand. It's delicious.
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
Herbal teas.
Didn't know a black tea is consideres a herb.
I always stock Lapsang Souchong, Earl Grey, Russian, Sencha, Bois Chéri Trois Pavillons,Yerba Mate, Bissap, Verbena and Melissa from my garden.
I'm not one for expensive and luxurious waste of money gimmicks. Still, monkey-picked oolong from Teavana, though super expensive, makes me feel fantastic for some unknown reason. A far second is Russian loose-leaf green tea, specifically a brand called Romanov II. I think the green tea is because of L-theanine in the green tea is calming while the caffeine is stimulating, but again, for some unknown reason, this particular tea is exceptional.
Does anyone else have these reactions to these teas??