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  • I have a hard time picking one, but Senna has some practical medicinal uses so it should probably be in there.

  • I love tulsi / holy basil, but there seems to only be a couple of brands that do it here (UK) and they're usually a bit pricey.

  • Chrysanthemum tea is a favorite of mine.
    Excellent on its own or with rock sugar if you’re looking for a sweet treat :)

  • Chamomile(relaxation), lavender(relaxation), peppermint(nausea deterrent), and lemon(sore throats and the like). Catnip's also kinda neat when tea'd; got an interesting flavor to it, but I'm not sure if there's any therapeutic benefits to that.

  • I always stock Lapsang Souchong, Earl Grey, Russian, Sencha, Bois Chéri Trois Pavillons,Yerba Mate, Bissap, Verbena and Melissa from my garden.

  • I'm not one for expensive and luxurious waste of money gimmicks. Still, monkey-picked oolong from Teavana, though super expensive, makes me feel fantastic for some unknown reason. A far second is Russian loose-leaf green tea, specifically a brand called Romanov II. I think the green tea is because of L-theanine in the green tea is calming while the caffeine is stimulating, but again, for some unknown reason, this particular tea is exceptional.

    Does anyone else have these reactions to these teas??