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  • Kids these days:

    > StackExchange bad! Those elitist pieces of shit closed my question I did 0 research for and they were not nice.. Imma go and ask the same question on The_Next_Place, where there's still someone who hasn't gone mad answering it for the thousandth time.

  • Totally agree, please let the doc be doc, not a chat.

    PS: what were the original subtitles of the screenshot? :)

  • To be fair, a discord comment from five years ago is still more helpful than Amazon AWS's actual documentation.

    • at least you can google Amazon’s wrong answer, there’s no way to Google a right answer that’s locked away in a Discord room …

  • Also, putting documentation in a format that has way too many features so just reading docs takes up 40% of CPU usage. Yes ,fuck you for using gitbook, i hate it so fucking much