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Yank tanks truly are the peakest of cringe. I'd be embarrassed to show up in one of those things
"Yank Tank" 😂
Still see plenty of those out in western Canada.
You are just mad u cant afford it on your measly europoor salary. Americans stay winning.
You're going in my cringe compilation
My penis is too long, so I am not allowed to own such a car.
My car is half as big and still has the same cargo space actually.
I think you mean "Americans stay in debt". Most of the idiots you see driving these trucks are paying half their paycheck for what is essentially a billboard advertising their small penis.
The only people impressed by your truck are children. Everyone else can tell that you are trying to compensate for your 'inadequacies'
We are all laughing at you behind your back.
Pfff that car ain't even street legal in my country.
Some dude drives on of those where i live. I've never seen it move, it's always parked on the same spot where it doesn't fit. Completely with aouthern state flag and stickers that say that only gay cops pull him over and how every car that is not a v8 is for girls. I'd be so embarrassed to drive that thing.
I got more compliments from women while I was driving my 1.4L inline 4 Honda in a week than I got in 10 years with a 4.2L Ford V8.
So yeah, V8s attract men. Sensible cars are for girls.
So by his logic a Lamborghini Aventador is for girls.
where i live, which is in the south, every 3 cars is one of these, they lift suvs too, so that increases the odds. when cops clock out they also drive one of these, even the gay ones. driving it is no big deal, its how they drive and what they do with it, usually road raging other road users, intimidating them, and trying to run them off the road, in other words bullying and intimidation, which is likely why they own one in the first place. why do they feel a strong desire to bully or intimidate anyone? that's a great question. why do you have to knock out the biggest guy in jail to get any respect? ...................
I hope nothing happens to his tires
Also, it probably weighs over 3500 kg, so you’ll need a C license to drive it. Fun fact, if you have one of those, you can also drive a huge lorry. Why would you choose an eyesore like that, when you could be a badass rock hauler.
This is why I drive a small pickup truck, I'm compensating for my quite large penis.
I'm so sorry to hear that 😢
Can you donate half of it for people in need? I'll gladly take on that burden for you, my friend 🧔♀️
Same. I could only get the small truck and small boat.
Either way, around here I almost always see both end up doing stupid shit on the road. I don't give a fuck what you're driving. Obey the rules of the road, follow the flow of traffic, be aware of your surroundings, and for fucks sake, signal properly and clearly! Nobody's in a race. We can all get where we're going safely and timely if y'all just stop acting like you're escaping a war zone!
The difference is that one of the two can be use has a lethal weapon. I'll let you guess wich one.
couldn't agree with you more... can't tell you how many times I've nearly been hit by another car all because they cut in front of me suddenly, not signaling, naturally, and just sped off like they're in a race. I will see ppl going nearly 100mph in the interstate, just weaving back and forth between lanes. will never understand why ppl have to be in such a damn rush all the time. what's the point of getting somewhere 2 minutes sooner if you hurt or possibly kill someone along the way? worst part of it is that the cops here never seem to be around to keep assholes like that in check.
Oh it's constant here, and they all act like you're the problem. So many fatal accidents every year, pedestrians killed, at least one fatality due to people racing. Constant hit and runs. It's like driving in GTA.
I just took a client to the mall a couple hours ago. On our way, we watched someone honk at the person next to me/in front of them at an intersection, they then tailgated them until the other person changed lanes, threw their drink, and screamed out the window. The driver's crime, as far as I can tell, was because they didn't move in the millisecond between when the light turned green and the psycho behind them lost their mind.
We're in the off season now, too. Don't even get me started when the tourists come!
I've seen 4 rams around my town drivers all look the same, they're all very clean, never seen it parked as they can't fit it anywhere one guy did get stuck and laughed at in his big yellow truck by a lot of people last time I've seen him
I have an ancient tiny pickup (don't get me started on EVs or how a van is better, I'm aware but poor and I don't live/work in a city) and I'd say about 1-2 times a week when daily driving I'll get mocked by someone with a giant, lifted, accent-lighted, chrome-trimmed, perfectly-unscathed monstrosity. Usually some form of homophoplbic slur to describe my vehicle choice.
I fill up for less than half the price, and I fit right next to most regular cars. I still park out in the empties because I don't like being next to other vehicles, but I don't have to.
Honestly I'd love an EV with a minivan size profile, truck clearance, and the enclosed rear is all cargo space. Literally all of my hobbies and work things would fit in it, and since I live on a hill in the middle of fields, I get a lot of wind and solar.
Of course, I'd love it even more if I could take a nap on a train with space for an equipment cart while I travel half an hour to work, but the next ice age will happen before passenger trains become that widespread.
A Nissan e-NV200 is what you want ... I'm in Spain, there's a few about. They're basic work vans, good amount of space in them, easily fixable, etc.
Proper working man's pickups those unlike the new ones that have all this fancy shite that you wouldn't want in a work vehicle
I've had people argue that all the fancy stuff is needed in a work vehicle
Nobody’s mad at someone using a reasonably sized pickup when they need the functionality. The goal is the least polluting vehicle you can reasonably get for your use case.
At least yours is actually useful for something 👍
Ain't that the truth. I'm constantly fighting this fight in my own city where we only get bike gutters, not even lanes. Complain complain complain from the people who claim they care about the neighborhood.
The thing I hate the most about my province (Quebec), the passion people have for pickup trucks. It's a fucking obsession, and it's a subject that cant even be discussed, the right of owning one of those is almost the first article of our constitution.
I don't mind passion from a hobby perspective. Some people are passionate about sports, coding, radios, plants, stamps etc. It's okay to be passionate about cars and trucks, just don't daily drive these if you want people to respect you. Same with stanced cars.
The problem as I see it is that these modded ones are pushed as still being practical when they are really only big toys. Have you ever noticed that jacked up trucks rarely have caps or toolboxes on the beds? The extra height takes away the utility of the bed and loading/unloading anything is a pain in the ass. They pour all this money into making their truck less useful.
I've driven big F-250s for work. They have a time, a place and a purpose. And that is not as a daily driver for most people.
Have you been to Alberta? Lol it's way worse
Driving through curvy roads in manitoba I was being passed like I was standing still by lifted trucks...way over driving their headlights
Ontarian here. I've been all over Canada, it's everywhere.
Et je commence à voir beaucoup de "coal runner", ou/et avec des pneus surdimensionné suspension élevé etc... Toutes des modifications illégale mais pourtant t'en vois partout. Sont-ils si riche qu'ils peuvent se payé des contraventions en continu où la police fait rien ?
J'en ai vu un sur le boulevard Pi-IX, le gars a "enfumé" une quunzaine de personnes qui attendaient l'autobus. Sérieux.
Moi aussi je me demandais comment autant de gens peuvent se payer des tanks de même, vu le prix, jusqu'à ce qu'un ami qui travaille en administration m'explique que la plupart des gens qui en ont font juste s'enregistrer une entreprise et le mette dessus. Même pas besoin de faire des vrais affaire avec ton entreprise, tu déclares des revenues négatifs et tu ramasses plein de crédits pour ton char. Bref, c'est nos impôts qui finance les gros chris de pickup du monde.
Ben câlisse, comment ma apporter mon épicerie à maison sans un char d'assault?
J'ai plus souvent rencontrer ça dans les régions. J'ai un pick-up mais par nécessité. (4 flos)
On en voit de plus en plus en ville. Les gens utilisent leur pickup pour aller à l'épicerie. Mon voisin travaille de chez lui sur un ordi et a un pickup.
I'm 24 now and don't own a car. :)
So.....? Do you NEED a car? I didnt had a car until 34 because I didnt need one. The only reason I got one was because I moved in a different city and kind of had no choice. But I had many many bikes.
Same, turning 25 in a month, still no car
Primarily because I'm very fucking poor and just getting the license costs over 2000€ already
You know what's funny, I recently read a CNBC business article that said auto-makers are saying consumers aren't buying enough electric and hybrid vehicles. That supply has outpaced demand. You know what they're not going to do, drop prices like basic economic theory says they should. According to auto-makers the problem wasn't that they over estimated how popular their products are, the problem is the consumers not living up to their expectations. If we were good little consumers we'd just take on more debt but apparently we're not cooperating.
34 :-)
25 and same, despite having a driver's license for eight years
39 and I don't even have a driver's license...
Is this a trick question?
The obvious choice is the truck. Take the truck and sell it. And then buy a bike, car and down payment on a house.
My car is closer in size to the bicycle than the truck.
Also, most of these trucks around here have an orange triangle at the back and are driven by teenagers.
Damn those triangle cars are always getting in the way. Even the little ones.
too bad the truck doesn't have nuts
I kind of am an elitist though
Can I just drive my Kia Forte without being an asshole?
googles kia forte
My guy that's a car, not a land yacht.
Nobody is mad at you for having a car thats reasonably sized. You should be the most angry about these child-flattening-front-over-machines because youre the one who they'll kill while they're playing pokemon go on their dash television instead of looking at the road.
These assholes are destroying your roads, giving your kids asthma, and running over your friends and family. And they hate having their sociopathy pointed out.
No more cars!!
Easy Choice
The answer is "yes". To both questions.
Ah yes, Big Bicycle.
A very real thing that has lobbiests and a department you have to go to. You know, the DPV, the department of pedalled vehicles, its where you are forced to do basically everything from register to vote to get a death certificate. It's CRAZY how much influence Big Bicycle has over our society.
I mean did you know that ~40,000 americans per year are killed by traffic violence every year. I bet 99% of those are from extremely fat men riding osmium bicycles at 50 mph, running people over!
And did you know that bicycles use alchemy to create almost all of the pollution that coats our cities, adversely affecting the health of everybody who doesn't bike?
I mean hell, can you imagine bulldozing empoverished minority neighborhoods in every city in the US for 50 years to build these federally funded 12 land elevated bike lanes that totally exist? The nerve of those cyclists advocacy groups!
Damn bicycles, who the heck do they think they are?!
Edit 01: typo
Well I'm 30 and I have 3, I'm really happy for everyone that doesn't need and therefore just dont own cars, must be enormous savings per month on top of the lesser impact on the climate.
Edit: Aaaand there comes the car hate- ya'll are talking about not imposing shit upon others, yet here you are judging me and my wife for not making it by without cars because of specific circumstances 🤷♂️ aight hypocrites.
I also have 3, three lifted Dodge Rams.
And the point of this comment was what specifically?
As long as you dont drive a deathmachine through a populated city, nonconsentually transfering risk from yourself onto others, nobody ought care my friend. We all need farmers and miners and whatnot. Y'all could drive a turbo boosted afterburning steamroller with JATO assist as an emergency break for all we care, as long as its not harming others.
Most of the buddies I have who are both bike commuters and motorheads have their fun at the track or on the mountain roads. I'd take a 3000$ beat up Miata over these land yachts any day. I don't understand the kind of people who roll coal to the whole foods parking lot in their spotless F690-compensator-edition. It seems as antisocial as it is unfun.
But thats my personal frustration you see. I can't drive fun cars like that anymore because selfish pricks have made the roads less safe for everyone other than themselves.
girls bike or small dick energy hmm
Lots of manufacturers stop calling that frame shape woman's bikes, but rather find terms like step through or low step and so on to be better suited. This frame design is a lot more accessible for people who aren't as mobile anymore (think old people, people with hip problems, heavy people) and are also much easier to handle with tall cargo on the back, typical example would be a child seat.
For the average person, this frame design is probably preferable as there are no benefits to the typical male frame shape.
My parents think it looks odd when a guy sits on one of these, but then my parents are in their sixties :>
Since I am a father and decided to bring my kid with me on bike rides, I needed that frame. It's just convenient to not have to Jean Claude Van Damme before each ride.
I don't understand why there's even a difference? Seems like that frame design would work great for everyone?
The disadvantage is higher weight for the same structural strength because the lower and upper tube are closer together (or combined into one tube) so the leverage is much less.
I dont mind the "mens" frame, but if other people want to use a low step frame I am not going to call them sissies or something stupid like that.
girl bike please :3
It's a commuter bike. Most bikes in the US are sports bikes, designed for athletes. Most bikes in the Netherlands are commuter bikes, designed for average people. It's not "small dick energy" for a man to not be an athlete. That's toxic masculinity that harms men. It's misandrist and it upholds patriarchy. Part of destroying patriarchy is liberating men from judgement like this.
They're also called "step through frame bikes" in places where people don't associate them with cycling in a skirt
they were girl's bike when I was a kid, 70s. I'd ride it. heck I'd put on a skirt and ride it just to piss off the dork in the monster truck
Let's see it in real life and I'll judge ,Lol
both stereotypes want to use the government to oppress the other instead of living and let live...i literally have and love both
Right....both of these are somehow equally bad /s
What with big bike making people more healthy and being far better for the planet 😓
and if a city is designed right without so many parking lot requirements, travel times become lower, people become safer, noise levels go down dramatically, you appreciate that hopefully well designed city and its businesses, much lower stress levels when commuting, and you feel calmer as well.
In the US, the government dispropotionately subsidizes car ownership and punishes cheap/sustainable living with actionable threats of death at the hands of sociopathic truck owners with persecution complexes.
Except drivers actually do that then cry oppression over giving up a foot on the edge of the road, and outright communism if you suggest a partitioned bike lane or improved public transit.
I've actually never had anyone in a monster truck tell me I should buy a monster truck. unfortunate definition...
One gets accused of being an inbred redneck as they "roll coal" at the other one, while the other one sneers at regular people. They're both bags of rancid dicks for very different reasons.
Right on 👍
If you actively roll coal, you deserve whatever insult thrown at you.
"Regular people" meaning the masses who have normalized shitty and selfish behavior. The sneers are well fucking earned.
Regular people meaning people who know someone else using a bicycle doesn't harm them in any way therefore they don't care. The truck guy and the bike guy however won't stfu about it.
I don't know about where you live. But here cyclists stick to the cycling paths almost all the time. A simple chime or ring from their bell will do just fine to let people know if they're coming. No need for sneering buddy. Let go of your anger.
Also, fuck cars.
New contender for “worst take of 2023”
Most people who ride bikes just ride bikes. And a minority are what you call "cyclists".
You're lumping them all together and are part of the problem. Dick.