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Alexandrite UI:

We just added Alexandrite to the server, it's an alternative desktop UI for Lemmy created by Sheodox who worked tirelessly to make the necessary changes to we could host it ourselves here. So go to and have a look!

He continues to update it constantly, you can follow the development on his github page or in his community. If you like what you see and want to support him, why not buy him a coffee? :)

For those who don't have Lemmy World as their home instance and want to use Alexandrite, either ask your instance admins to add it or go to!

Edit: I should probably have mentioned that Alexandrite is meant for desktop!

  • It's really great that you are moving so quickly and supporting your community in this way, but I wonder if all these front ends are potentially going to create a bit of a long term maintenance headache? How are we certain that they don't introduce any new vulnerabilities and how are we staying on top of those when they happen? I worry that each new frontend adds burden to an already small community for a potentially minor practical gain.

    Don't get me wrong, you guys are doing awesome stuff, and I'm consistently impressed with this instance. That's just the first thing that comes to my head having done software for many years myself.

    • Maintenance in regards to updates is not an issue. All the extra frontends we added run in docker and are automatically updated twice a day to make sure we are always running the latest stable versions. All apps are using the Lemmy api's just like the 3rd party apps and should anything break we have ways to contact the developers.

      • How did you set them up to automatically update? Have you done a write up on how you set these up? Would be great for other admins to be able to do the same

  • I want to caution that every new ui is a potential security risk. When it's a mobile app then it's entirely on the user to decide if they trust it, but when it's hosted the host is implicitly giving a seal of approval so I think at least a bit of a code audit should be done, especially since xss is much more of a risk on the web.

    There's already been one security breach on the default Lemmy skin, so I think it would be a good idea to do an audit for every new hosted ui and include a section for it on these posts. You don't necessarily need to crawl through every line of course, but it'd be good to cover what framework and rendering engine it uses and acknowledge any risks associated with them.

    • We have the devs of all but one of the alternative UI's on our discord server. We try to provide options for our users as well as give some extra exposure to the Lemmy developers community by hosting these on LW. It's actually pretty cool to see that devs from different apps are going through each other's code and are being helpful. And other community members are actively helping the developers test (and request) new features.

      So that is one of the things that we did to "play safe". But I understand your concern and I'll have a talk with the team how we can organise something like a code review of the UI's we host.

      We have one more UI to be announced soon. And that will most likely be the last one we will add.

  • Seeing custom web UIs being deployed officially and directly on the same domain as Lemmy instances is incredibly encouraging. I wonder if my Leanish will be polished enough to be published that way eventually.

    One can dream!

  • I'm in love! Smooth, modern, and simple. One thing to note - the "hue" option for the theme in the settings is not very obvious at first or comfortable. We need some kind of visible color pallete or some squares with color options.

    Also, Ctrl+Enter should allow me to post my reply immediately, but it doesn't.

  • Great stuff! I've been using Alexandrite for the last few weeks and it's become my default UI. I love that you can pin the navigation bar open and favourite communities (click on the icon to star it).

  • This is excellent news :) I've been using Alexandrite since u/sheodox announced it so I'm very pleased to see it added as a dedicated front end for .world :)

  • I kinda like the general layout, but that color scheme is annoying. Can I change it somehow?

    • There's a slider in the settings for the hue used for all the background/borders/text etc, so you can change it from purple to other colors, like:

      Eventually I plan on adding more customization so you can change the colors of links/votes, and I need to make a light theme because so many people want that too.

    • Yep, just go to 'Settings' under the Profile icon, top right.

    • You can change the colors but not remove them entirely. It's not possible to have it entirely white on black.

  • And the developer is quick to add features. Highly recommended for desktop.

  • @antik Amazing! Alexandrite has become my absolute favourite way to browse lemmy over the last few weeks. Great to see it become part of .world!

    • Yep, loved it so much I contacted to help us add it to the instance. He added some changes to Selfhost, put it all in a docker container and made it all happen in a couple of days ❤️

      I'm sure more admins will be adding it to their instance!

  • Wow, I love this a lot. Initially chuckled at the theme color slider in the settings, but it's unironically a great way to edit that haha.

    My instance ( has Photon as their modern look alternative, which also looks pretty sleek IMO, but I think I'll be using this going forward mostly because it's more desktop-looking than Photon's more mobile-centric layout.

    Fantastic work on this, can't wait to see how it grows going forward.

    • Photon dev here, what's mobile-centric about it? I actually aimed for it to work well on both. The reason the pages don't span the whole distance is for legibility reasons.

      I actually aimed for this to be desktop first, that's why i use buttons instead of gestures.

      Your decision is good though, I personally think Alexandrite is much better than Photon.

      • It definitely functions well on both, I don't mean to suggest that it's meant for mobile. But yeah, I think it's mostly the fact that all the content is only on the center 1/3 of my screen. To me, that just feels a lot like a mobile view compared to something that uses the whole area of the browser.

        A lot of social sites on the modern web look this way now, and generally it's a result of them trying to prioritize mobile uses first, so when I see it anywhere now it's just a "oh, this is a mobile site" in my mind.

  • Working for me now.

    just needs "alexandrite" in the header changing to i think, and maybe the logo changing