WEB 4.69
WEB 4.69
WEB 4.69
This was because Skype’s file transfer was Peer-to-peer, so it wasn’t Skype itself hosting the files. While discord is actually hosting the files, which is much more costly.
Well discord could offer P2P option with no limit...
But then they can't force you to get Discord Nitro.
But discord supports sending messages to people who are offline. It kind of breaks the paradigm if certain features require full synchronous communication. Maybe supporting p2p transfers during a video / voice chat would work though.
Yeah but then no nitro no money no servers for chatting no discord discord ded :/
That sounds like a potential security risk.
Still bullshit 18 years later.
You can set up your own FTP server if you really care.
Wish Discord would implement that for direct messages at least.
P2P vs hosting...
Right, so many sites try their hardest to have every thing hosted on their own platform, then they put stupid High restrictions on what you can actually do with the content because of the fact that they're now having everything on their own host. Switching from peer to peer to Cloud hosted was in my opinion the beginning of the downfall for Skype. It removed a lot of its permissions that you could give on the platform, it broke compatibility of the Unix Community which took them two and a half years to finally fix, and it actually butchered their reliability
Fusion 360: we have unnecessarily decided to force you to use the cloud for this product
Also Fusion 360: *Noooo all you free users are using up too much of our server space, you will have to pay.
Here is an idea, let me run it on my PC and it won't use any of your servers
laughs in telegram
Gotta use a zero-knowledge VPN for all P2P transfers.
Check out croc.
skype probably didn't save a copy of all your files forever, discord has to save a copy for the government!
Original Skype was mine blowing at the time because it was able to send files peer to peer even when people were behind firewalls. Peer to peer file transfers were the norm at the time, but when both parties were behind firewall file transfers wouldn't work, obviously. Skype used different hacks like UDP punch to establish P2P connection and if everything failed then it would fall back to proxying.
Skype was mostly p2p so it enabled a lot more free functionality. Discord runs everything through its servers.
Almost as though it would be better if it didn't
Pros and cons.
The experience is way more consistent in a centralized service. In Skype, sometimes your messages took ages to send and the call quality was horrible.
In turn, on a centralized service, they have limits, monetization, and they can sell your data.
P2P exposes your IP to those you need to connect to. So if you're a streamer or something - share a file and you dox yourself. It also means if you're offline you can't send the file.
It's just not practical over remotely hosted for it to be the default. There's other apps you can download if you still want to use P2P
"Hello, File Seller, I am going into uploading and need your strongest files". "My files are too powerful for you, traveller".
You cannot handle my files traveller!
This is the reason I've never used discord outside voice chatting with friends a few times per month.
A basic photo from my phone is over the file size limit. It's essentially unusable, and I'm not going to get me and my friends and family to all pay a subscription for a feature literally every other chat app provides for free. Sorry.
A basic photo from my phone is over the file size limit. It’s essentially unusable
For a while this was a problem, but now Discord just auto-compresses photos over 8MB. Obviously this isn't ideal if you want to actually share the full-size image, but for most use-cases a compressed photo is fine. Almost every other chat app is also compressing your images, it just isn't telling you it's doing it outright.
Discord's monetary scheme is so backwards. Pay to be able to upload a file greater than 8 MB.. up to 100 MB. Pay to be able to upload and use animated emojis, pay to be able to use emojis from other channels. These are not features worth paying for.
What would you suggest Discords monetization system be instead?
A loooot of people seem to completely disagree considering how many people pay for nitro even after they removed discriminators (and the ability to change them with nitro).
I fully expect Discord to pull a spez sometime in the future. Probably not as destructive and blatantly anti user as that asshole, but bad nonetheless. Gotta remember that even if it's already self-sustainable with the current nitros, investors want ROI and they want it NOW.
I have supported Discord with a nitro subscription for as long as I've had an account. It's a terrific program and there's no reason to expect premium features for nothing in return. The mentality that everything should be free is why we have so many fucking ad driven online business models and I'm over it. I pay for what I use if it's a good service.
it's amazing that you've been downvoted for saying you pay for a service you use that's not ad-riddled junk. how else do people expect these entities to make money that pays for servers, employees, etc.? someone operates the hardware and it's not free.
That's the same reason I do. A place for friends to hang out online free from ads and algorithms manipulating the conversation is such a rarity these days. All the features they give you for free are nice enough I don't mind tossing them a few bucks for a theme and an animated avatar hat. Hopefully if enough of us do, we can avoid the enshittening.
That 8mb limit was annoying though. Glad they raised it.
A photo shouldn't be over 2 MB either. Compress them.
Compression ruins good photos.
Do I look like I know what a jpg is?
Goddamn 🌭
I've been using https://wormhole.app/ for file transfers over discord/text. The link is only good for 24 hours, but it supports up to 10 gb files.
I like swisstransfer, it allows up to 50gb
Legend. I'll check it out 🥵
I've been using WeTransfer. They hold the files for a week, but it's only 2GB max if I recall. I'll have to check out Wormhole now. Thanks for the FYI!
How is this sustainable for the people hosting this? This almost seems too good to be true.
Well, how much content is anyone gonna upload just for 24h? Unless DDoS is the goal.
Iirc it uses webtorrent, which is a torrent protocol that runs in-browser for the most part.
Small file live on their servers using end-to-end encryption for the 24 hours.
Larger files are treated as a peer-to-peer torrent, which means that the tab needs to stay open until your downloadees are done grabbing it.
Bro fuck discord
Honest question: how come?
Because is proprietary and they've been making bad decisions like removing discriminators. Try out https://revolt.chat or https://matrix.org instead.
The thing that did it for me was the updated privacy policy scandal about how they could now store all the contents of voice recordings. Now they know exactly where I live, how much I make, everything. Never paying for Nitro again, and my activity there plummeted.
The fucking bane of my existence I swear, all my homies hate filesize limits.
Fortunately we have a few options, some better than others, and if it helps one person Imma talk about it now.
Magic-wormhole: My favorite, CLI client that shares files from your computer to a server to be downloaded with a password you send through your normal means of communication. No filesize limit, files stay on the server for 1h unless downloaded (deleted after download.) For sensitive information I would PGP it before I upload but I have trust issues.
Warp: Magic wormhole, but GUI. Second favorite, only because I love my terminal so much. It's literally just a GUI wrapper for magic wormhole though so no complaints from me. Works on windows too iirc, and the android wrapper for it is called just "wormhole" alone, no "magic."
Onionshare: Sends files directly from your pc to theirs, works through Tor. I have gotten it to work before, but sometimes it hates me and refuses to connect, usually when I try to DL from mobile.
Soulseek: Not exactly private, but it works if you can forward a port. If you need privacy you'll have to mark the files as private, probably name them something nondescript like "file1," and set it so only your trusted buddies can download it, then whitelist the buddy you want to share it with for that time (would have to remove trust for buddies by default, only enabling the ones for the current file to be shared, then swap that again next time. Like I said it "works" but it's far from ideal. Would also PGP them files to be safe.)
Torrents: well we all know this one, it's the classic!
I'm probably forgetting some/don't know some, so anyone else feel free to add!
The classic would probably be plain old FTP, but SFTP/SCP/SSH works fine as well.
When I need to share files to newbs I usually just use a small Node script to host an HTTPS server from terminal, and give them a file link
I remember being shown FTP back in high school and finding any reason at all to use it, in spite of the fact there were better alternatives for my friends to access certain files, especially considering I probably got the shit of Kazaa anyway. But we FTP'd, and it was slow most of the time, or slower than any of the shares, but it felt good.
I sometimes use Element. Can confirm, it's pretty good. I wish more people would give it a try.
Yes! Just downloaded a client for it and can't wait to try it!
Just waiting for them to add proper audio call support, and I'll convince even my mom to switch
I hate discord now. It's worse than reddit
They also went to the deep end trying to make profits. Discord has a bloated interface and tries to shove their subscription up your face every chance they can.
Try my ad block list: https://github.com/synthead/discord-adfree
Couldn't agree more 👍
Honestly, not having ads and being very usable for free, Discord is still pretty good IMO
Discord app is same level of shit like reddit app and has no third party clients(they too fucks api)
Not having ads? Lmao what? It literally spams you to buy nitro every chance it gets & it's not exactly free- they harvest quite literally every single drop of information they possibly can about you.
Back in 2010 my best friend at the time sent me an entire pirated copy of need for speed most wanted in a zip file through Skype. It took the entire day for it to send and then it took my weak ass computer until I woke up the next morning to unzip the folder the game was on. I remember waking up and being overjoyed that it was at 97% completion. I only had to wait another few minutes for it to finish.
I still have that exe to this day. It's basically impossible to play the game otherwise. I actually store the exe on my phone since it has so much storage and it's easy to move it over thanks to USB 3.0 and higher. I do that with a lot of games actually.
It's basically impossible to play the game otherwise.
I remember having to install Need for Speed Carbon on a dual-boot of Windows 7 in order to play it on Windows 10 iirc because 10 made a change that broke a certain DRM and I couldn't install from disc. I assume it's similar for Most Wanted?
The last time I tried to use a disk to install a nfs game was on a windows 8 laptop and it didn't want to launch unless I did compatibility for XP and it didn't end up installing the game anyways.
I mean it's basically impossible to play the game otherwise because EA refuses to sell the black box need for speed games, and the only other way to legally obtain them is to buy a 20 year old dvd which didn't sell very well to begin with. Even if I did that, I wouldn't be able to install it because I haven't had a PC or laptop with a disk drive in almost 8 years.
Since EA doesn't want my money, I won't feel bad about not giving it to them. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Hot Pursuit 2, Underground, Underground 2, Most Wanted, Carbon, are all abandonware. Too much copyrighted music and car licences for EA to even consider touching it so feel free to pirate the games.
Recently I wanted to transfer one 20GB file to my brother and I ended up using FileZilla.
But before that I tried some quick effortless solutions (like opening Skype/Teams and using that) and I failed.
I miss opening the IM app and quickly transfer something.
Check out croc, a slick little tool to allow you to send files from one computer to another. No port forwarding, encryption built in.
That's a really interesting project.
As I paged through the documents, I couldn't find how long nor where files are stored during transfer. It kinda seems like they get stored (in encrypted form) in the guy's closet server.
Don't suppose you can speak to this?
Reading through the code, you can start your own relay server. The relay server code should be part of the repo then.
If the files are E2E encrypted, I assume they are useless to the person that is hosting the server.
(Disclaimer, I've not reviewed the code, don't quote)
Files can be transferred via P2P connection without them being uploaded first to a third location. I assume though that some sort of server serves as a matchmaker allowing two computers find each other when the connection is established
25Mega Bites now
Tbf, the Skype file transfer was shit
Hard to disagree but with internet we had back in the day it was hard to send large files with just about anything
Tbf all P2P file transfer back then was shit.
Torrents tho
It was internet that was shit back then. File transfer didn't change.
Isn't the file limit 25MB these days? And yeah, I remember Skype having no limit on that but I also remember it taking an eternity and a half to transfer some of those files.
For what it's worth at least they raised the limit to 25 megs. Still sucks though.
Skype and aim could transfer even more than that, skype can still do way more than 2GB
This is limitations of scylladb and their api service requirements.
They haves something called a service agreement. That means the API is required to respond in 99% 99.999% etc. and by limiting to 8mb for files, charging for a bit more etc. they can both monetize and enforce guaranteed api requirements internally.
The difference between having 2 active user vs. having billions.
Not being able to transfer more than 100MB is just them lacking motivation. They don't even need to host files just make everything bigger than 100 MB a torrent or something similarly p2p. Skype's file transfers worked like that if I remember right.
Let everyone who wants the file also serve the file to other people that want it.
To be fair P2P file transfer is not always viable, and in some sense the situation may be getting worse as more people are behind NAT these days, and the adoption of IPv6 has been poor. This may not be the end of the world for torrents as long as some peers can be connected to, but private transfers between two people on restricted NATs might not be feasible without Discord acting as a middleman for the transfer (which could get expensive). Plus there are some small privacy concerns for a direct P2P file transfer, as it would leak your IP to anybody you’re transferring a file to… probably not a big deal in most cases, but it might be unexpected for some people. That said it might work fine in many cases when NAT isn’t an issue or when NAT punching works… But there’s also other downsides in terms of reliability, offline delivery, and handling multiple devices and stuff that might make the experience a little less consistent for people.
so true
Old Skype Lso worked on Linux like a charm... the good old times
Just use mega instead???