Like the title says, Im looking for a reliable place for unlocked apks. I do have qbittorent and jackett setup but I didnt really see any indexxers for apks.
Best I can find for the game I'm looking for (Melvor Idle) was just a copy of the demo version of the game.
Some just regular APK files still try to verify your purchase through the playstore making them kind of useless for pirating. I guess cracked maybe would be a better word.
ACMarket used to be quite good, but it got ad ridden (the store itself, not the apps within) and I can no longer vouch on the reliability of it, so you can try that. Happymod used to be good, and it might still be, I'm not sure.
There are also some TG channels like easy APK, MODDING UNITED, Farisroid (which is also a site www dot farisroid dot com), Moderse, Gdrivehub, Leyzymoy Mods (the last three ones haven't posted in a quite some time)