The sun has bleached any color off that moon flag.
Which means it's French.
THAT’s the burn. A sunburn!
It's probably black not white at this point, not because of bleaching, which did happen, just cause of decay. At least that's what PBS Spacetime told me
So pirates then?
Durka? Ooooooh. Not durka. Surrender flag.
explain the joke, and make it worse guy
I'm continuously confused about why they think they are free, or at least uniquely free? What does the moon even have to do with that supposed freedom?
I don't think they're trying to make a logically rigorous argument
What they said is a line from a song we are made to sing as children. They don't really teach us about life in other countries, we have to do that ourselves if we happen to be curious.
If Americans knew how good life can be then they wouldn’t settle for such a shitty country. So from birth they are lied to about having good lives
It’s not even healthcare, imagine the poorest country you can and there are places like that there
They're just getting defensive because someone dared to criticize the U.S., that's all.
Stop it or they'll start chanting their country initialism again.
To conservative Americans the word "freedom" doesn't mean the same thing that it means to you and I. That's the simple short explanation for your confusion. It would require a much longer discussion to really unpack why that is and how it intersects with ideology.
It's a big part of our culture, it's even in our theme song
And the Rockets' red glare, the Bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there;
Yep, accurate.
it’s even in our theme song
Which was a drinking song - appropriately.
It makes me sad because one of the aspects of my country of which I am actually extremely proud is the fact that we landed people on the fucking moon. It's sad because this feat was accomplished by a bunch of really smart, educated people with a solid grounding in science (and TBF a few literal nazis here and there) not by a bunch of inbred dumbfucks who think driving around with a big flag sticking out of their enormous pickup truck is somehow making a contribution to America's greatness - and whose whole existence is fundamentally built around rejecting science and education and being smart.
Decades of Red Scare propaganda "just look at how unfree they are"
Propaganda is why they're deluded to the levels they are.
Americans are by and large poorly traveled and unaware of exactly how badly they have it in America. Something like 1/2 of Americans have a passport, whereas Canada which is right next door is 2/3-3/4.
One of the weirdest things about that is they seem to be proud of it.
This is only true if you look at the country as a whole. Break it down by state or even region and you'll see that entire parts of the country are more like Canada in terms of international travel, while others are unusually provincial for citizens of an industrialized democracy.
If you live in a middle class neighborhood in a big west coast city, for example, chances are good that you and all of your neighbors have traveled overseas extensively. It's also very much a class and educational division and of course that plays out in a variety of other ways as well.
I bet someone’s gonna be pissed when they find out
edit: on their 3rd mission
Two previous Chinese lunar missions had flags on the crafts' coatings - so neither could be affixed to the moon.
To be fair, this image has been reposted around since before 2020
well now they can stfu
edit: meaning the ‘Murican that originally said that, not meme sharers
the American dream isn't a dream, it's a delusion
The American dream is to become rich and then do the exploiting yourself.
They may as well just give up with the American dream and rename it the rules of acquisition. At least then they'd be being honest with themselves.
except you can only become rich when you already are
"It's called The American Dream because you'd have to be asleep to believe in it."
-George Carlin
No it is a dream.
It can only be achieved when you are asleep.
It's a delusion that workers can work hard and become rich, used by those in power to extract worker skill and dedication.
Myth: Welcome to America, land of freedom and opportunity!
Reality: Welcome to America, here's your bill. If you don't like it you're free to go die in a ditch. Otherwise, get your ass to work.
I'm ashamed to be an American
Where they make me think I'm free
And I'm appalled by all the lives it took
To sell that lie to me
So I'll proudly stand up to tyranny
And fight it till the day
Cause there ain't no doubt we've fucked this land
Goddamn the USA!
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United Snakes of America
And to the Repugnant for which it stands
One nation, under God (you fucking heard me!)
Easily divisible, with liberty and all for just us
God bless america, and no one else!
Did you write this? Well done, if so.
Yea I did, thanks!
till what day ??
Isn't the flag on the Moon bleached to completly white by now?
So technically only the French have a flag on the Moon.
hey now, that's not fair.
It might be a confederate flag
Personally, I'm hoping Russia and Israel will adopt it soon.
What a transformation!
Isn’t that the confederate flag?
France painted moon into their flag and nobody noticed it
The french flag bears the same colors as the american flag
True. But famously in a different order.
Dude's even factually wrong. The moon has flags from multiple jurisdictions, including the USSR, China, the EU, etc. Pretty much every piece of human-made hardware on the moon has a flag on it.
Or... The moon actually has zero flags depending on your definition. Because the sun quickly bleaches them white as there is no atmosphere to shield against the UV rays.
The Apollo 11 flag may not be bleached on one side.
That's because they put it too close to the lander and it blew over when they blasted off. This is the actual thing NASA kept secret about the moon landings for many years.
Anyway, since that flag's been lying in the dirt for all these years, it may not have been bleached by the sun.
There's something tragic and poetically american about traveling through space to plant your flag somewhere only to accidentally knock it straight over.
Because the sun quickly bleaches them white as there is no atmosphere to shield against the UV rays.
"Burn this flag, asshole!"
The Sun: "Hold my beer."
Imagine the size of that beer
As a fellow Jesus-ordained, Trump-blessed freedom-loving American, can someone explain to me what the fuck having a flag on the moon has to do with freedom?
The atmosphere cannot constrain my American freedoms. My nations eagle flies where it damn well pleases, including into space. God bless a merka.
For some obscure reason, my brain echoed that paragraph in a mid-west accent.
And I am not american.
The only people who are 'free' in America are those who are white, Christian, heterosexual, wealthy, and preferably male.
Everyone else gets oppressed, exploited and thrown under the bus at every opportunity.
You're welcome, USA, for getting you to the Moon.
~Germany, Britain, Canada.
There’s a Chinese flag on the moon
That's the second part of the joke. The one guy doesn't even get that there's more than one flag on the moon.
Stupidest song recorded during my lifetime. David Cross had a nice bit about sending that fucker to war after 9/11. Which reminds me that that other piece of shit country musician wrote a song about that tragedy that was mocked on South Park.
Conservatives are so easy to manipulate through pandering. It almost makes me wish I had no ethics, cause then I'd be rich.
Everyone here is talking about the flags on the moon... I'm more interested in the hospital bills in all honesty. That, and the wait time for a visit.
Seems rather triumphalist for a UK community to upvote since the health service has been sold off (to the US) for profit. Maybe the other Europeans joined in?
Living in Belgium, I'm happy with the social security that's available here and the chances for a good education, etc. But I'm confused as to why this all isn't available for everyone in the USA. The USA is a world leader in so many domains so I would assume that this would benefit its inhabitants first.
The USA is first and foremost a global leader in making money for corporations. That's really all it is, not much more.
Edit: That person who posted the long comment about how America is "totally fine" for "most people" is pretty dumb for it. Oh they don't have a single clue...
The US has a gigantic health insurance industry worth trillions, employs over 4 million people, and manages ~25% of the US economy.
Our limitless freedom belongs to the corporations, not the people.
Someone else has already said it's because of Capitalism, and to a point that's true. The other major reason is because of the economics of scale.
Belgium has a population of 11 million, the US has a population of 331 million.
Belgium has an area of 30,000 km2, the State of Virginia alone has an area of 110,000 km2. The metropolitan service area (basically the city and surrounding bedroom communities) of Washington DC is 14,000 km^2 or nearly half the size of all of Belgium.
In 2022 Belgium had ~196,000 immigrants while the US had ~45 million.
Coming back to the question; on Education the 2022 census said that 91.1% had at least finished Highschool and 48.4% had finished at least an Associates degree (or higher). https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/educational-attainment.html
On Social Security 69.8 million people received social security benefits in 2020 (retired, disabled, or other special circumstances).
On Healthcare the US is behind the times in comparison with much of the world, our healthcare is typically tied to employment (your job likely provides your health insurance). While this is the case our taxes are typically lower than most of the countries that are compared to the US, basically instead of paying taxes to get free healthcare we pay for healthcare directly. Even then people can still get access to the ACA (Obamacare), Medicare, or Medicaid. According to the 2022 census 92.1% of the US is insured, though I couldn't find a good statistic on what percentage are under insured (as in they have insurance but really need more). I did find some less than stellar statistics (so take these with a grain of salt) but on average Europeans spend 12.5% of their income on healthcare in the form of taxes while the median (yeah I know it's not the same as average but it was a different source) American spends 11.6% of their income on healthcare in the form of healthcare premiums and deductibles.
In summary the US generally does have pretty good living conditions for the vast majority of people. The problem is that if 10% of the population falls through the social welfare cracks in the US, that's 3x the population of Belgium.
EDIT: I wanted to quickly add, the US gets a lot of flak for being involved in foreign wars, politics, and spending too much on military spending. A lot of people think we should instead pull back that spending and instead fix things in the US. I agree with this sentiment, we do over spend on the military, but the US has also given more money to supporting Ukraine than the next 9 countries combined. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/27278/military-aid-to-ukraine-by-country/
Do you have a source for the claim Europeans spend more than people in the US per capita on healthcare?
Every source I've ever read the US has twice per capital spending and worse health outcomes in many areas.
Thanks for the effort you put in this response. Is it a good summary when I say that Belgium in population and area can be compared with a metropolitan area of any major city in the USA? And best should be compared as such?
I'm very much surprised with the migration figures being as high as you mention. Europe is surrounded with countries in war in Eastern-Europe, Middle-East and Africa. And many of our migrants are refugees.
All the migration towards USA is mainly from south of the USA, correct? There's no war going on over there, so do these migrants also poor living conditions and are mostly fortune seekers? Or are their lives in danger from the government in these countries?
Belgium has a population of 11 million, the US has a population of 331 million.
USSR population was 293M in 1991(right before collapse), USA population was 253M in 1991.
Belgium has an area of 30,000 km2, the State of Virginia alone has an area of 110,000 km2. The metropolitan service area (basically the city and surrounding bedroom communities) of Washington DC is 14,000 km^2 or nearly half the size of all of Belgium.
Every time I hear something like "but Netherlands is about the size of Ryazanskaya Oblast" I reply "then why the fuck Ryazanskaya Oblast is not better than Netherlands? And 26 other regions that smaller than it are not".
Song reference into political argument combo? Certified Reddit Moment.
The song is literally American propaganda they make us sing as children...
Don't have to tell me, that damn song's burned into my memory from summer camp!
lmao id rather go to the moon without a spacesuit than pay 5000$ for a 30-minute ambulance ride
Last time I checked you could still get prison time in the UK for posting rap lyrics on social media.
Interesting. Source?
So paint last time you checked you mean you never checked, and you're talking utter gibberish.
No prison time, but a fine, and community order (I'm unsure what community order is) https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-43816921
Either way, it's a shitty response by the UK government.
Not always just a fine. Plenty of sentences here: https://wiki.openrightsgroup.org/wiki/Communications_Act_2003/Section_127#Cases
Most educated Lee Greenwood listener.
Stop joking about him returning at all. He will be shot the moment he goes off his phone.
Bruh fuxk you, now i have the song, "I'm proud to be an american" stuck in my head, fuxk you fuxk you fuxk you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
This is the internet, you're allowed to type fuck
Sick burn if you are a poor
So... 2 out of 3 uhmericans?
Go ahead and pay my $5000-and-growing worth of medical bills this year if you're so rich, Uncle Moneybags.
Oh, and we supposedly have a good insurance plan.
Ok, send me your bill info and ill be happy to buy the debt from your creditor as long as you are ok with a 10% interest.
Pour in this case apparently meaning doesn't have potentially 10 grand+ just randomly lying around.
This guy has never heard of deductibles