pspspsps rule
pspspsps rule
pspspsps rule
If not friend why friend shaped?
friend shaped but unfortunately not friend sized
Big fren!
You could say that domestic cats are only our friends because of size. 😂
checkmate liberals
You need to breath in while saying that!
Very nice, I will google how to find cougars
Apparently there are cougars in my area. I am scared now.
You should be. Those women are vicious and horny. A bad combination if you aren't into them.
Cat calling is indeed wrong. Rather you try to strike up a nice conversation and see if you can take it out to dinner
Give him the slow blinks... I'm sure it will work.
This is hatespeech. How dare they tell me i cannot pspsps the cute cat
I actually encountered a cougar on a trail a week ago. So fucking scary. It's huge.
Did you opposite of pspspspsps?
I would have pspspspssed myself
Yes! I run towards it, trying to step louder and scare it away. It worked.
Mostly mountain lions keep to themselves but they have been known to attack and kill joggers. Checking wikipedia there were two fatalities in 2018 and the next previous one is in 2008.
So vending machines kill more people.
When hiking in North America, you're much more likely to get killed by snake bite. And the elements (thirst, hypothermia, etc.) provide an even greater risk.
Meanwhile on the savannas of Africa Cheetahs are notorously easy to domesticate. A saucer of milk is kitty crack and will reduce a cheetah into Your Furry Forever Friend. It's a problem because the wild cheetah population is vulnerable.
Cheetahs are the tamest of the big cats and are known for seeking refuge near humans.
Have you seen one of the numerous videos where cheetahs casually plop down on safari jeeps for escaping lions or use the cars as looking perches or for shade?
My favorite story in recent memory is this one: Man chokes cougar who attacked in Colorado
This gugar looks polite however
There are no cougars in missions!
But its so pettable :3
I would die in the wild in like, 30 minutes max fr
But how can I resist that face
Thats not the cougars I meet