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  • There'e not enough knowledge and connectivity in the entire internet that could convince me to ever put a connection directly to my mind online.

  • Neuralink is an excellent advancement for brain science and it is greatly going to help disabled people and those with little function left over their bodies. It's okay to celebrate this technology while also hating musk.

    Like SpaceX, they've both been excellent ventures that he so far hasn't ruined (probably thanks to the people he delegates to). Just because it's fashionable to hate him for how he's absolutely fucked over Twitter (which i'll remind everyone we've always hated and agreed is bad, use Mastodon instead) doesn't mean his other companies largely spearheaded by others, and their results, are also bad.

    That's not even to mention that the kind of dystopian technology people are imagining isn't anywhere close to what the Neuralink device is actually capable of. What everyones fearmongering over is still just science fiction. It's just barely able to interpret brain signals, it's not as powerful as everyone makes it out to be.

    2nd edit: forgot what instance I'm on, this comment probably ain't going to do well lol

  • Fox Viewers: 'Don't get vaccinated because there are brain controlling microchips hidden in the jab.' Also Fox Viewers: 'I can't wait to get one of Elon's brain chips to own the libs!'

  • Musk can go first. Maybe it'll help him save Twitter. Or he goes into the nuthouse. Either way, it would be a win.

  • Cool. However, I trust Musk and his projects about as far as I can throw a Buick.

  • Well... the brain chip experience for Deus Ex wasn't exactly fantastic. Seems reasonably on point.

  • Orwell tried to warn us. Apparently that wasn't enough. The implications of the neurolink, a chip in our brains, seems like a bad idea. The meme is on point. Constant ads, which are out of ones control, might drive people to madness. Imagine having no space to think?

  • I'd never opt for it unless i couldnt function without it, and I sure don't wanna live forever in a computer, or at all. The potential for abuse is astronomical. Let's hope we have fought for a massive shift in consciousness before this comes to full fruition, right?

    • If I needed a chip in my head to function in society, I think I would just withdraw from society. I'm barely comfortable with our reliance on smartphones and internet connection in our day to day lives.

      • Absolutely. This is the only social media I use, cause i get really good stipulation here, otherwise I ignore my phone and have largely cut a lot of the b s out of my life. I'm a recluse by nature, so I feel you all the way.

  • This game's advertising is so effective, people voluntarily put it in memes (myself included).

  • One would imagine that the DX fanbase would be aware of what a bad idea this is, just think back to HR and the replacement chip thing... Now imagine that without there even being a replacement, that they'd have implemented all that in secret.

    • For those who don't know. In Human Revolution the manufacturer of these brain chips sent out a version that allows them to make you go zombie mode on command, like The Last of Us zombies. As a political move. No way in hell I ever have one of these put into me.