You know, we really need more highway lanes and more cars, we should really get everyone engaged with technology, consumers can decide for themselves if cheap and readily available heavily processes sugary, fatty, salty foods are what they prefer to eat.
In reality "only" around 41.9% of US citizens are considired obese. That is stillbhuge and rising.
Source: CDC
Title : National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2017–March 2020 Prepandemic Data Files Development of Files and Prevalence Estimates for Selected Health Outcomes
So, just to be clear, if I'm following correctly: the chart is incorrect. The error in the chart is that it ignores that obese people are also overweight, and "extreme obese" people are also both obese and overweight.
So rather than show the obese people as a subset of overweight, and extreme obese as a subset of obese, the chart is adding the percentages together to falsely represent each designation cumulatively.
I want both of you to elaborate. I don't think anyone is denying obesity rates are doing up, but the graph doesn't seem like a good way to show this? It doesn't even include healthy weight people.