I‘m still using corporate operating system myself, so I couldn’t advise. I hope that my time on here will help me learn from wise senpai like yourself and reach an open source transcendence.
I thought Linux is Linux. Open source and stuff. But then RedHat(IBM) proofed me wrong. Now you can't use really anything under RedHat or canocial anymore if you don't want to be afraid of more corporate greed. I am now on debian.
Turns out testing instead of stable is similar to fedora rolling Release
silly enthusiast, don't you know that using community distros is just mooching, and the only real FOSS is the kind that basically indistinguishable from proprietary software?
I use Gentoo, I love it, I get to decide what goes on my system, I get to choose to use OpenRC instead of systemd, no bloated software and broken repository (fuck ubuntu for that)