A beginner's guide to astrology
A beginner's guide to astrology
A beginner's guide to astrology
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Crazy to me that people make it their life's mission to shit on others for the most random things
This really doesn't seem like shitting on others, just more like shitting on Astrology itself. It's also really not that harsh, in my opinion, at least.
It's crazier to me that people will make life changing decisions based on Astrological readings. They can be harmful. It's not wrong to criticize the idea itself, as long as it's not directly towards others.
was more talking about the comments that crop up when memes like this come around. The post itself seemed mostly fine if a bit primed for these kinds of conversations
Oh okay fair. Yea some people can take it way too far. It's never cool to disparage people.
Crazy to me that it is acceptable for the irrational beliefs to remain unchallenged. That somehow pointing out that people are being conned is oppression.
Astrology impacts your life. It might not seem like it if you live in the West but it is hardly just for entertainment in Asia. The very demographics of humanity has been altered because of the people trying to have kids in the year of the Dragon.
ah yes. c/dankmemes the penultimate place for discourse on the social impacts of science and religion. Y'all taking this shit too seriously which is my entire point. Obviously if it's an issue it's an issue. But the meme is clearly for a western audience by a western audience. And most people on forum aggregators like Lemmy attack people for stuff they barely understand. The average latte drinking middle class valley girl isn't harming anyone by talking about their chakras and tarot cards. It's literally just a comfort thing for their subculture. You sound like my mom yelling about starving children in Africa when I wouldn't eat her spaghetti. Just straight to the dumbest extreme
Right except for I have never once seen a situation where being wrong has offered a long term benefit to a person.
To the extent our models reflect the universe accurately is the extent that our decisions can be informed. A small irrational belief you are right probably not the biggest deal but I don't know how you established that this is the case here. Who knows how many "average latte drinking middle class valley girls" made decisions about employment, friendship, relationships, schooling based on this stuff?
Anecdotal I know but my wife's family is from the part of the world where it is taken seriously. Pretty close to our wedding my MIL sent us her blessing because her fortune teller signed off on it. I am curious, do you think it would have no impact had the fortune teller said otherwise? Like if you are the type of person to spend money going to a fortune teller to ask deeply private questions do you think you would ignore what they said?
You don't get to decide what it a "good model" for an individual. What matters is whether or not the individual is making positive changes in their life by adapting models to their benefit. You should reevaluate your understanding of "truth," because it's not just how the world literally is, but is more importantly how people experience it. The measure of their character isn't determined by your desire to fit their world view into a nicey labeled box
I never claimed I get to decide that. Reality doesn't consult me about anything.
And no sorry I have no use for solipsism. Materialism ftw. Deal with the universe exactly as it is; raw, uncaring, cold, huge, and ugly.
You're missing the point
I think there's a distinction to be made between the people who use this as a bit of light entertainment and the people who substitute contemporary mysticism in lieu of empirical observation and confirmation.
Also the grifters. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of grifters in this space. Which is interesting to note.
Contemporary mysticism seems to reinforce a disregard of scepticism as well as serves to obfuscate the true wonders of the observable universe.
of course! Not saying that this isn't an issue at the extreme. But social circles like Lemmy are quick to jump to conclusions and start judging people. The meme is clearly from a western context for a western context where by-and-large the effects are mostly aesthetic and harmless
Disproportionate? For what? Religion? Seems to me it has just the right amount of grift for made-up mystical belief system
It’s not my fault, the stars made me do it