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Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently)

Ubuntu 23.10's New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) - OMG! Ubuntu

A new ‘app store’ is expected to ship as part of Ubuntu 23.10 when it’s released in October — and it’ll debut with a notable change to DEB support.


Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote Debs (Apparently)

  • Maybe I need to reconsider Pop OS. Last time I tried they shipped with a broken kernel, but that's probably fixed now.

  • Yeah, nah, that's a dealbreaker for me. I'm back to LMDE when this happens.

    I don't mind having snaps available but I'd avoid using them whenever possible. They're larger than necessary, slower than necessary, and I trust software checked by its original devs plus distro maintainers more than software checked by the devs alone.