Rent prices are so high that Gen Z can't afford to live alone anymore
Rent prices are so high that Gen Z can't afford to live alone anymore
Rent prices are so high that Gen Z can't afford to live alone anymore
Millennials: Uhm, we've been living that dream for over twenty years now.
I'm over 40 (one of the ancient Millennials) and literally I have only been able to live alone for exactly four years out of the twenty-three years since I moved out of my parents. I currently live with a partner, because, you guessed it, it's about the only way we can afford things now.
20 years ago, I could rent a 1 bedroom small apartment for under $1k. Now you're lucky to find the same for $2.5k. Pay has not more than doubled. They definitely have it worse than us.
In a city of 200k I can rent a two bedroom apartment for about 1.2k and have access to everything I might possibly need (including a job) except an Ikea...
Edit: funny how people get insulted when they're told wanting to live in major city centers might be the issue... Nothing new about living in New York being more expensive than Albany.
Yeah let's not pretend it isn't so much worse now though.
Yes, but it's worse for everybody. Millennials that have been renting for decades... How the hell are they going to get ahead enough to save up for a down payment!? Meanwhile, housing prices keep rising, outpacing even combined incomes. I realize some people are able to make it work, but I don't think it's the majority...
I lived alone for exactly one year before the apartment raised the rent by over %13. I had never been late or missed a payment. Luckily, my fiance, now wife, offered me to move in with her. But I would have had to move soon either way back then because I was being priced out quickly.
I’m over 40 (one of the ancient Millennials)
I think you might be very very late Gen X, TBH.
I'm also 40. Too bad you never figured out how to make decent money in 23 years.
C'mon man, that's a little harsh, don't ya think? I get that you don't owe him anything but for real, not everyone's calling is equally rewarding financially, and you know this, and you know how fucked up it is.
Teachers deserve a wage that allows them to save and vacation every year.
In fact, we all do.
Fast food burger flippers do too. Society could afford it before, that we aren't doing it now is the result of policy decisions, not some invisible market moral correction voodoo. Workers at Dicks Burgers in Seattle make $21/hr + bene's and Dicks food is 1000x better than any fast food chain, and cheaper too. The money's there, it's just not being spread around.
Good for you achieving your own security, honestly, I mean that. But the scales being balanced is something we all need to work towards. Youre still working class, and right now the games still rigged to make sure you die broke. If we can't collectively work together to make sure the economy works for us all (cuz what's the point of a society then? It's just a fancy meat grinder otherwise), that paramedics make more than minimum wage. I'd like to live in a world where words matter. Where "essential" workers weren't just sacrificed on the alter of capitalism bc the beaurocratic class got furloughed and are actually treated essential.
Otherwise it's just a matter of time until another round of Reaganomics or fascists usurp power and either way your union gets busted. Ask the control tower what it's like when the government doesn't give a shit about the law, or precident. The law only matters if it's enforced.
Are we pretending that millennials are affording apartments alone? Cause I know very few doing that. Moving back in with your parents, though, that shit's common.
I was gonna say, most of Gen X has had roommates since we graduated college.
I'm in the Midwest. Most millennials I know are living on their own or with their partner. However, the younger millennials and gen Z I know? Very few I know aren't living with parents.
I'm an older millennial and my brother is younger. Our parents are old enough we each have a parent living with us.
I'm in Seattle, most of my friends have roommates or moved back in with their parents (which I did in 2020 when I lost my last job). I am making slightly more than my last job now with a second degree but after inflation I'm making quite a bit less and rent has gone up significantly since then. So I still can't afford my own place.
Older Millenials are more like younger Gen X, while younger Millenials are more like older Gen Z.
Landlords dream of a future where they can charge so much for rent that you need 3 generations of people crammed into a tiny apartment to make payments.
Which would be exactly why the rest of us dream of a future where they don't exist
This feels like a rerun
History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.
Isn't that called a slum lord?
Used to be. It's moving towards just being a landlord though.
It's called one of the sexiest human beings alive and they would have most people you or I would be interested in at their beck and call.
We breed for greed.
Time polish up that guillotine.
Black Rock l, vanguard and others are turning the American Dream into a subscription model
Just a reminder.
In 1960, minimum wage was $1.00/hour and the average home was $11,000.
So, national minimum wage is $7 something, so homes should be about $77k, right?
Quick history of inflation in America. President Eisenhower started the US/Vietnam War, and JFK kept it going. Ike and Kennedy both wanted to keep it small, but LBJ made a major commitment of troops and air power to deliver a knockout punch. That turned into a quagmire where the US couldn't pull out without looking like losers. President Johnson [LBJ] started printing money to pay for the War, rather than raise taxes. Nixon was elected as a peace candidate. Nixon's Vietnam policy alone is worth several books, but we'll just talk about the US dollar.
Nixon doubled down on Johnson's bombing policy; the US factories were working 24/7 to make more weapons. Great, except the money was all paper. When the Arab Oil boycott hit the price of everything went through the roof. Suddenly stay at home moms were forced to get jobs to keep the family fed. In 1968 'middle class' was one job to support a family, by 1980, two income families were becoming the norm.
Then came Reagan. Big tax cuts for the rich were supposed to make everything golden again. In 1980, $1 million was considered a vast fortune; by 1992 it was what a really rich guy paid for a party.
I came in to say something similar. Don’t focus on the price of the rent. The problem is the salary. Rent to salary has been going up and someone is pocketing the difference.
The problem is both.
Of course this isn't universally applicable, but in my city there's basically six large landlords that own and manage the types of large, multi-family apartment buildings where the majority of people live.
There's no competition in housing and it shows in the pricing, which has been skyrocketing not coincidentally as the firms consolidate and then all "somehow" price align using the same software market rates.
It's both. You're getting robbed both ways. It's not one or the other.
That's $10.39/hr adjusted for inflation.
I'm a disabled millennial. I live in a dangerous old house with 5 roommates and I am still spending over half my money on rent.
Well there's you're problem! You're disabled, so therefore unprofitable. It's criminal that you have the ability to live while someone who could make profit for our corporate overlords might not. Shame on you for being a leech on society! (In case it wasn't obvious, /S)
the traditional way of life has been snuffed out by the forces of capitalism. there's no point trying to live a normal life anymore, we have to forge a new path
Let me stop you for a second.
In North America single family houses became the norm after the second world war, that means you might still have living relatives who weren't raised in what you think is the "traditional way of life".
It's more traditional for North Americans to live in multi generational housing or housing provided by their employer than it is to own their own house and expect to only be two living in it once their kids leave.
Everyone getting their own single family homeis unsustainable and 70% home ownership is an historical anomaly that pretty much only concerned WASPs. It's the American dream, not the American tradition.
That's very true. Although it's also true that forcing people into cramped quarters with one another for long periods exacerbates interpersonal issues, and people need the ability to walk away from one another and decompress.
Whether that's as simple as having their own room where they can close the door, or having a "third place" where they can go without needing to spend money to decompress and not have to be around others, you can't just endlessly force people to live together, especially when it keeps leading to domestic violence outcomes.
I agree, for most of history humans lived in shared, community housing, and that's not a bad thing, however I do think it's bad to promote the idea that we all need to be crammed into incredibly tiny spaces with multiple people living with them.
It would be different if housing was equitable and we didn't have billionaires using up massive amounts of housing literally for only themselves while the rest are stuck in tiny boxes that they can barely fit inside. Housing size needs to be an equitable issue, because housing size and cramped quarters is a mental and physical health issue.
Way ahead of you.
The traditional way of life was multi-generational homes. If your goal is to live with as few people as possible, the traditional way of life is not for you. Why are you complaining about having the choice to live in homes with many, many fewer people than was traditionally required?
Big "bUt ThErE aRe ChIlDrEn StArViNg In AfRiCa" energy. How dare someone complain when things could be worse, right? What an ungrateful dick for wanting better just because the previous generation had that, huh?
That's the point.
Expect things to continue to get worse as long as most people believe the disparity in wealth should continue to grow.
It blows my mind just how many people support this through their rabid worship of billionaires. Not because they love the billionaires themselves, but that they think in some fevered future they too will be billionaires. Well, guess what? It’s never, ever, ever, ever going to happen and every day that passes the now-billionaires are tirelessly working to consolidate money and power to prevent proles from getting foothold. Stop being morons, and stop working against your own interests unless you’re a masochist then go nuts I guess. Leave the rest of us out of it
I think a lot of them see it as a degree of "fairness." That these people earned it (ignoring the facts that got them to where they are now) and they deserve to keep it. It's more of a moral thing to them than any real worship, and there definitely is a touch of "don't let that happen to me." As if their wealth is at risk.
We need a new deal, I mean a new new deal. Because this is getting ridiculous, I'm lying it was ridiculous 20 years ago, now it is just the reason why dystopian fiction is impossible to write, how can you top real life?
What kills me is when you go into the realestate subs and they talk about how they have to constantly increase every year because the cost of everything is going up.
Nah bruh, I've had my house for 4 years and nothing has increased at any noticeable level.
Yeah boy am I glad I pulled the trigger on a real estate purchase when I did. My costs (mainly HOA, and to a lesser extent taxes) have gone up very slightly in the last few years, but nowhere near the 30-40% increases I used to get smacked with renting over the same timeframe.
It's like 1.5-2x as expensive as it was to rent in this (already expensive) area 3 years ago.
I'm determined to never rent again. Landlords are unbelievably greedy.
My father is in real estate and recently had a "talk" with me about how putting 15% into retirement won't help me and that the only way to secure my future is through real estate. I didn't have the reverse "talk" with him where I would have pointed out how he's completely underestimating how much money it's going to cost to change his diapers in a couple years and how that house will only offset the costs rather than repair them.
Square Deal (1908)
New Deal (1933)
I Have Altered The Deal (2024)
That's hardly a new situation.
The only people I know that live alone do so in extremely tiny apartments in unpopular areas.
The only real way to buy is as a couple, and has been for decades.
Yeah no kidding -- I moved out of my parents at 18 in 2006, and had a roommate all through univeristy and afterwards until getting married (and I couldn't afford my current flat without my partner's salary). Very few people I knew had a place to themselves, and if they did they were either scraping by, or they had help.
You're literally talking about when you were 18. No shit.
Yeah, that's been true for most Millennials.
Right, does no one remember the ubiquitous TV show of young, modern life: friends? It had two groups of folks living in threes. Now, yes, their apartments were mansion-sized for New York, but the premise was still there, and that was the 90s. Heck, my boomer mother talked about how it wasn't uncommon for people she knew on the east coast of the US to live with parents until early 30s. '
This isn't a completely new phenomenon, but the percentage of the paycheck it costs to afford housing, even with a roommate, still seems to be on the rise.
Right? I had some kind of roommate every place I lived into my early 30s. And I’m GenX.
This is not a new situation, it’s rediscovering the wheel by this new generation. The boomers were probably the only generation that could graduate, grab a good Union factory job, and buy a small home in suburbia in their early 20s. Everyone else I know had a transitional period of working smaller jobs and sharing an apartment for a long time until they got a really good job or paired up and married.
In my father's case, he worked part time pumping gas at Sears and had an apartment with three friends while still paying for all of college in cash. The early 1970s were the place to be, apparently.
lol can't believe you got downvotes for this. people really do drink the koolaid.
didn't this happen a long time ago to an earlier generation
We need a new new deal
This isn't new. I'm 43 so call me whatever you want, Gen X, Millenial, somewhere in between. I didn't live on my own (meaning without roommates) until about 10 years ago. And even then, I bought a house with my wife. so still kinda roommates.
Completely off topic, but in the article they say some apartment complexes are offering "private liquor lockups." Wtf?
Anecdotal, but when I was looking for my first apartment about ten years ago I toured a building that didn't allow residents to keep alcohol. Unsure if it's even legal (or enforced), but the landlord and property manager were a local pastor and his wife.
No one bats an eye at this but if it was a Muslim family who prevented people from having pork in their homes people would be losing their minds
I bet that it had a free pedo-cell in the basement, thou.
Neither can Gen-X.
Gen X still had a chance
Gen Z AND millenials
Would it surprise you to learn that the demographic most likely to be rendered homeless is Boomers because life got expensive around them? As best I can tell, they are also among the worst generations for having prepared for their retirement.
You're not wrong, but at least they got a chance to prepare.
I asked my boomer mother why her generation wasn't leading the revolt. I took the first job I remember her having when I was just a wee one, asked her that pay, extrapolated inflation on it and showed her that she's making the same amount of money today as she was then. Inflation, as a tool to control the masses, has robbed her of every "pay raise" or advancement of her entire life.
Her story is not unique.
That doesn't let them off the hook for the housing market tho, that shit, intentional or not, is literally just robbing their kids and grandkids futures for themselves.
I got evicted this year so I feel it
"anymore" implies that until recently that wasn't the case
Meanwhile, in Canada, rent prices are so high that basically nobody lives alone anymore.
They just changed the generation in the headline. This has been the case in the US for awhile.
What's sad is we're going to be sharing this meme 40 years from now and it will still be true.
Owners don't lose :/
If anything, it will become more true with every passing year.
Jimmy McMillan 2024
Yes, the rent is too damn high, but living in an apartment alone has been a luxury for young people as long as I can remember. I sure as hell couldn't afford it when I was in my twenties. I lived in a pantry for a couple years and didn't complain. This is a weird measuring stick.
No one is saying that people haven't historically had roommates to save money.
What you are failing to recognize is that someone working the same job back then and now are living very different realities.
The average home used to cost two times the average salary. Now it is 8 times the average salary.
In 2023 your money is getting you less, completely adjusted for inflation. A waitress today is far worse off than a waitress in the 70s.
Imagine a waitress telling you they are paying their way through college with their tips. That used to be a possibility, in 2023 you would just assume they meant tips from selling their body.
The first 38K of my pre-tax income goes to renting a 500 sq ft efficiency. The change in the last 20 years is astonishing. I remember in high school, being exhorted to put aside at least $300/month for rent.
fuck me where do you live that it's $3200/mo for 500 sq ft?? San Francisco?
How many square metres is that?
Gen Z are what... 26 at most?
Yeah, not many millennials or gen X were able to afford to live alone before their 30s, stop thinking you're the only ones who had it hard for years after being done with school.
Heck, my parents came out of university with unemployment at 12+% and interest rates at 18+%, sounds like fun, right? Good climate to think about owning a first house! I wonder what they did... Oh, that's right, they rented an apartment from my great grandmother and lived right above her and my grandparents! A fucking dream, right?
They purchased their first house when they were in their early/mid thirties.
Wanna know how I managed to do better than them? I got 10k from my father's life insurance after he hung himself when I was 26 and let me tell you, I would rather have continued renting.
I truly thought shittymorph had come to lemmy.
You are angry and you deserve to be, and you should talk to somebody about it, but not like this.
I'm just tired of Zs acting like they're the only ones who were delt a bad hand, it's just a way to turn people of different generations against one another while the real issue is billionaires manipulating is into hating each other.
I don't see you telling them they're angry and should talk to someone and that's it.
Hey man, sorry your dad hanged himself.
Holy fucking shit
It's not an oppression-depression Olympics. Because someone else has something worse off or similar does mean you win. Because someone else has something better off than you does not mean you lose.
There is one thing you can do; Organize. Help people not ever have the same situation you and your family had. Make it so anyone who faced such hardships doesn't need to, nor anyone else would again.
I'm sorry you had a rough life, and I hope you feel better soon, but the people who are struggling are not your enemy, they are compatriots in a similar mental struggle. They are not the ones who caused your family pain and strife, but feel it in a similar vein. They are not your enemy.
Sorry that's how you interpreted it, my message was intended to make people realize that it's not a gen Z thing, it's a systemic issue that's affected many generations.
So? I'm Gen-X and I've only lived alone for approximately 1 year of my life combined, and most of that was in my mid-30s when I was already 15 years into an above-average-paying IT career.
This is nothing new.
living alone is inefficient for so many reasons.
it should be rare - and i expect it has been in the past.
i mean its an expensive luxury for those who like it and can afford it , should not be seen as a norm, status quo, or something that most people "lack".
i'm not saying rent isnt too high a fraction of living costs, and i am in favour of seriously considering rent controls in ome city central business districts.
But I dont see a benefit in setting or condoning unrealistic expectatioins.
Put another way, if a city implemrnted rent controls aiming to improve affordability, but ended up with declining household size and lower population density in cities, then that'd be a bad outcome.
Such a shit take you had to post it thrice
Honestly, it’s not just inefficient, it’s literally antisocial. But in the U.S., antisocial behavior is encouraged, and pro social behavior discouraged.
I mean, people are reportedly lonely as fuck these days too, so maybe there is a silver lining to this terrible situation?
Edit: Thanks for the downvotes y’all. Rage and negativity are apparently the only appreciated responses here. Lol
There is a massive difference between alone and lonely.
And conversely:
Just because you are forced to share a living space does not mean you have a connection with those people.
Fair response, but being around and meeting people can help even if it’s something you’re forced to do out of necessity.
Living with disrespectful or negative people can suck too though.
How can you be lonely? You always have someone to talk to. If you are nice they might be willing to cook a meal for you (as long as you cook something too). Plenty of entertainment (when they fight with their significant other). Someone to play games with (cards, chess, hide their keys, watch them shower).
What a weird comment section. The most controversial comment is "Well I guess friends are good". I think Lemmy is feeling the outrage cycle right now. Social media addicts gotta get they neuro rush
Have you never had roommates? If they're friends, they often stop being friends pretty quickly once you find out how they live. Not having roommates is a way to keep friends, not make them.
Rage and negativity are apparently the only appreciated responses here. Lol
No, you just said something legitimately stupid. There's a huge difference between living with a partner or roommate by choice vs. having to do so out of necessity, but you're entirely ignoring it.
Are you always this antagonistic? Calling what I said “legitimately stupid” is pretty rude.
I had 3 roommates in a small apartment out of necessity for years and it was stressful, but it did help me feel less lonely. I was literally just pointing to one small positive (in my opinion and from my perspective) in an otherwise shitty situation.
People should be able to take care of themselves.
If you mean people should be able to financially afford to live alone by choice. I 100% agree.
I get this is a joke, but this is the reason why people are lonely.
When my parents had me and bought a house, they found a neighborhood full of people their age who also were also parents. If you wanted to live near specific friends, you could make that your first priority... Maybe not next door, but a street or two over, for sure.
These days, price is the first concern, location is the second. With car centric infrastructure, you generally are going to have stratification based on your income, and being close to work is critical for mental health. Unless both you and your friends have similar budgets and ideal locations, it takes big sacrifices to live in a place where you can get the socialization we all crave
WFH is helping - but rent is still too damn high
20-somethings have always had roommates.
In New York or LA, sure. But in my hometown of <20,000 where rent prices have quadrupled in the past decade? No
But now thirty, forty, and fifty-somethings get to have them, too!
Yep. People historically lived in multi-generational homes and moved out to live with roommates in a dorm or with their partner to start a family. Living by oneself is historically very uncommon. Homes are expensive, it only makes sense to split that cost with others.
If you can afford to live by yourself, more power to you. If you can't, consider moving to a cheaper area or finding someone to live with.
Multi-generational homes doesn't necessarily equate to multiple incomes for support. Historically there was a single income earner because cost of living was more balanced with average income (not true for everyone and every demographic, but on average). Having two or more people in the family earning a paycheck is a modern invention as wages flatlined. I suppose you could go further back when the income was the family farm or business and the kids were free labor, but that's not really a comparable situation to what's being discussed.
Women being able to have jobs, own property and generally be self-sufficient is historically very uncommon.
Maybe we shouldn't give a fuck about what was common historically.
I don't think Gen Z'ers are smart enough to survive living on their own anyway. If you put enough of them together in the same room they might have enough brain cells left, that haven't been rotted away by TikTok, to make it.
Hurr durr dae younger generations r dum dums