liberal values
liberal values
liberal values
Is this a "the right can't meme" thing? Liberals are opposed to the current Russia-ukraine war and Israeli-palestine war and are currently supporting the newest civil rights movement.
Nah I think it's just the same snake-in-the-grass right wing propaganda bullshit that infects every leftist space online to sow complacency and disempower us with apathy by trying to convince us that the comparative left-ish-leaning party is the same or worse than the right so as to maintain the hold on power the right has. It's bullshit anti-leftist wolf-in-sheep's-clothing rhetoric. Same as it always was.
Edit: typos.
If someone was opposed to a war they wouldn't want to contribute to it. I don't see anyone saying they want to fight or bomb Israel but lots of people do want to fight and bomb Russia.
Liberals don't want to contribute to the wars, they're against both the Russian invasion and the IDF atrocities, as well as the hamas atrocities.
The difference between Israel and Russia is that Israel is responding to a terrorist attack in a horrific way with 70 years of animosity and attacks behind their retaliation, while Russia is breaking treaties and trying to invade and steal a country that they have already stolen part of back in 2014.
While liberals are calling out for Israel to pull back and stop the atrocities, they're content at watching Ukraine kick Russia's ass for the illegal russian invasion and attempted second annexation of Ukrainian territory.
These are not the same situations at all.
... in Ukraine. They want to fight and bomb Russian soldiers in Ukraine.
Alright Chamberlain. Brilliant logic you've put into this situation.
Liberals have come down hard in uncritical support of the nazi militias in Ukraine and on the Israeli side of the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Both are the pro-war stances.
Liberals have been against the Russian invasion from day one, and Russia is driving that war.
Most people have been ignorant of the Israel and Palestine conflicts until recently, and most western media glorifies the IDF because it's a stabilizing democratic force in a notoriously anti-west region, but liberals are all upset with the current Palestinian genocide.
There are liberal pro-Palestinian anti-hamas civil rights movement right now.
Not me.
It's almost like one must examine and consider each conflict individually.
I oppose war. I don't oppose defending oneself. I don't oppose helping somebody defend themselves.
if china puts nuclear bombs in Mexico and Canada, what will be the reaction of US ?
People have been completely brainwashed to believe that the war in Ukraine occurred just because of Putin's imperial ambitions, which is obviously a factor. it was always known that nato expansion will trigger a war. US pushed for it because it wanted a war.
I’ll never get people who utilize absolutes in their political views. Politics requires nuance to navigate. Losing yourself to nuance is to become a mindless centrist or conspiracy theorist. Losing yourself to absolutism is to become an ideologue and devoid of skepticism.
What is opposing a war?
People call themselves war opponents when they oppose invading Vietnam, which is good.
People also call themselves war opponents when they oppose Ukraine defending itself, which is bad. They support Russia invading Ukraine. They support wars except the ones when the US is invading.
There is a lot more context to the war in the Donbas.
A lot more context than Russian soldiers in Ukraine shooting down a civilian aircraft with Russian weapons?
nobody opposes to Ukraine defending itself.
Anti-War stance involves opposing Russia for invading Ukraine along with blood thirsty neoliberals like Victoria nuland who will sacrifice Ukrainian people to advance US strategic interest. They want this war to go on as long as they can make it go on. no price is too small.
The Ukrainians want to join the West than align with Russia. Conspiracy theories or not, the Ukrainians in the run-up to the Maidan revolution were agitated when then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych reneged on the deal with the EU only to sign a deal with the Russians at the last minute. Unlikely that Ukrainians as a whole were somehow brainwashed and "coup" the government.
No one ever asked the Ukrainians what they want, haven't they? Or are we talking to Russian bots speaking on Ukrainians' behalf because they think Ukrainians are their little brothers who doesn't know any better? Ukraine is always "little Russia" for them, isn't it?
They want this war to go on as long as they can make it go on. no price is too small.
Bullshit. Russia can end this war tomorrow by respecting the treaties it signed with Ukraine.
The Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation was an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, signed in 1997, which fixed the principle of strategic partnership, the recognition of the inviolability of existing borders, and respect for territorial integrity and mutual commitment not to use its territory to harm the security of each other.
Russia invaded. Russia can leave. Otherwise Ukraine has every right to defend itself and it's allies are wise to arm it.
I'm liberal and support trans/gay rights, woman's body autonomy, social umbrellas for the poor and unhoused, legalization of recreational drugs, but I also like guns and desire all minorities who have no agency to own them, as well as support all wars against bullies because pacifism does nothing to stop them otherwise. Where do I stand? I guess I'll go fuck myself then.
That's the fun thing; go far enough left and find that guns become an important tool for the proletariat to protect itself from the ruling class.
I agree with all of those except I don't like guns. Don't want nothing to do with them, and those that do should be required to take mental and physical competency tests as well as mandatory registration. I wouid also impose a minimum 5 year prison sentence for letting one of your guns fall into somone else's hands owning a gun should come with massive responsibility to keep the gun secure.
Similar to nuclear proliferation, it doesn't matter if you don't like nukes because if your neighbor simply has only one of them, then they can leverage it to force you to do things against your own interests with the threat of your complete destruction.
Your recourse is to bend over and let them fuck you, or build/buy your own nukes to deter them bullies. Pandora's box is open; guns are necessary and are never going away. Either you arm up the helpless to allow them to speak at equal footing using them as deterrence or let them slowly and eventually be destroyed by the growing intolerant majority.
social umbrellas
Treat the symptoms not the cause
support all wars against bullies because pacifism does nothing to stop them otherwise.
Simplify geopolitics into "bullies", support the actions of NATO/US as though they're not "bullies"
Pretty much liberal yeah
Those are all very liberal-minded interests and there's nothing really wrong with them. The left largely agrees as well but would go further to the structural causes for why these issues are important, questioning the very economic and material arrangements for which these issues are contingent on. IE why does our economic system require people to be poor? What are the class dynamics behind these issues etc.
Liberalism is the ideology of free markets and individual freedom, but those mechanisms are contingent on exploitation.
I think that makes you a leftist who hasn’t yet realized that liberalism doesn’t want many of those things.
Most Americans still don't realize there's a difference. I've been hoping the recent conflict in the Middle East would wake some people up to the major differences between libs and leftists - it sure did for me.
Leftists are literally losing their job for not supporting Israel and yet liberals are still out here confused about what's even going on.
You are left.
Need to know his stsnce on capitalism first.
Sounds liberal af to me; definitely not a leftist.
Long live the American arms trade and long live the empire!
You can see this all the time with Hollywood liberal values. All the gay stereotyping and jokes through the 90s then all of a sudden they're patting themselves on the back for being the arbiters of social progress.
It reads a lot different if you're familiar with Gourevitch's writing, especially on the Rwandan genocide. "We Wish to Inform you that Tomorrow we Will be Killed with our Families." Read it if you haven't already.
I read new republic and nation
I've learned to take every view
You know, i've memorized lerner and golden
I feel like i'm almost a jew
But when it comes to times like korea
There's no one more red, white and blue
So love me, love me, love me, i'm a liberal
This is a joke, right?
A leftist is someone who opposes every war except for the ones the fascists might win.