Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog
Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog
Free sex... (party)*… Become poor dog
Polite sex is when you shake hands before and after.
Username checks out?
That can't be it. I never had a son (that i know of).
Oh no, I should make some calls.
So, just the normal way?
I guess that's why Hank Hill had Bobby and not a daughter
And yet, somehow, that boy ain't right.
"I wish you the best of luck!"
I would hope that this is a very well-done satire, but religion rots people's brains, so... I can't be that sure.
✨michael jackson✨
Poor entertain homo dog
New band name! Callled it.
yee yee
Entertainer + homo people -> Entertain dog * Michael Jackson *
I mean, I wasnt gay before, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.
Is this like some weird evangelical Buddhist bullshit? Like, any sex that's enjoyable results in being reincarnated as a dog, or insect?
Tag yourself I’m Entertain Dog (homo dog).
I'm Make You Blind
I’m Michael Jackson
Instructions unclear; became Entertain Dog.
Michael Jackson? Is that you?
(homo dog)
Oh no! He is going to chase after balls, and lick people's faces!
They should improve the quality of food in sewers so that those who bought sex and thus reincarnated as rats and cockroaches can get a second chance in their next lives
Is this a warning or a manual?
1: weird manual
2: ?????
Orgies, veganism and 8 hours of sleep. Noted.
Is this like the Thai version of Dr Bronner's or the Time Cube?
You're spot on, total Dr Bronner-syphilis-riddled-scrawlings-vibes here...
(Jokes aside, I like Dr Bronner soap - apparently they run a decent company too)
I… have sooo many questions…
Remember kids: always pay for sex
Lmao, this is high quality shit posting
This just shows you how many hoops people are willing to jump through to justify their bigotry.
Sounds like my kinda party.
There's so much to unpack here, impressive.
This would be better in the form of a song titled "more sex more problem" set to tune of MO money MO problems.
What kind of sex do I need to have to become a rich dog?
The expensive kind
Ahh, it would be good to be a horny sperm again.