Anon searches for normal politics
Anon searches for normal politics
Anon searches for normal politics
Lemmy political pov: the universe should be free and open source
It specifically needs to run Linux.. also there is a literal war about which distro it should use
War is over. It's Gentoo.
Most united the Linux movement has been.
I think lemmy has all the mentioned
All of those have all the mentioned, they're purposefully exaggerated stereotypes
And money shouldn't exist.
All your comment gives me is “unfathomably based”
I will git clone
This is objectively based
I think it would be the same as Reddit
It’s the algorithms. Except 4chan where that’s just how it do.
4chan was simply where everyone banned for extreme views everywhere else went because there were no rules or close to none.
Now as algorithms of social media sites have been chosen to dictate our daily news cycle, discussion topics and visibility of culture by engagement metrics alone, as are dominated by flashy, extremist content that appeals to our lowest instincts. Before humans curated content by trying to use human reasoning instead of relying on instinct alone. I think we have taken a step backwards in evolution culturally.
They don’t know that it be like it is
Redditors are communists? News to me.
Image from 2021, I was on reddit then, I am a communist. Checks out
They mixed up Lemmy and Reddit, Reddit is full of alt-right bigots
Lmao this is just as ridiculous as them saying Reddit is communist. Massive exaggeration in both cases
Nah liberals make up the majority of Reddit, the rightoids are just more active politically.
That was the goal at least.
Lemmy is full of anti-drone bigots too
People with extreme views are also more vocal, so that's what you see. That's why social media is bad for you. If gives you a very distorted view of the world. Most people are able to look at politics with nuance.
This, plus everyone is concerned with engagement. If I say a perfectly normal statement on Facebook or X or whatever, no one will care so no one will comment or interact with it. If I say that Jesus wants us to make America white again, even the people who disagree with me will only be boosting my message by commenting.
This is so true, I had a phase in my life where basically all my political social interactions were reading other people's takes on reddit. After a while I found a job and after getting to know people there I realized how insane the takes on political stuff in internet are.
anon eats world lol
Discourse evaporated when the rightwing and Faux "News" declared "compromise" as blasphemy. That's why so many moderate Republicans will still vote along party lines, despite knowing the candidate is batshit crazy. To vote Democrat is to commit suicide to those people.
Edit: was trying to get this comment done before kid woke up from nap and barely made it. Fixed the faux pa.
Why "Fawx"?
Right? More like Faux news.
Yes, I agree! It's the OTHER guys who are to blame this!
Like, share and retweet BTW if you want them prosecuted for their crimes.
I've only ever heard left wingers claim that compromise is 'blasphemy' or that "center politics" is just for people who are too afraid to admit they are right wing.
Fuck, there's even memes abotu being centrist is being OK with half the holocaust or the KKK.
Your comment is exactly the insane shrill partisan hackery that is the problem.
BAM - just immediately guns blazing accusing the other side of what your side is guilty of.
I was raised in a particularly right wing environment, grew up with those values, and have shifted dramatically leftward in my adulthood, and I can say with absolute certainty that you're either lying or willfully ignorant. Are parts of the online left prone to litmus tests? Yes, but most often in the sense of "hey, I'd appreciate it if people who claim to be in my corner don't join hands and sing Kumbaya with people who want to eradicate my particular minority from the face of the Earth, please." They're a reaction to intolerant right wing fanaticism, rather than a statement of intolerance themselves. You have to go all the way around to the extreme fringe of tankies way out on the left arm of the political-alignment horseshoe to find a level of ideological fervor equivalent to what is now mainstream in right wing politics. The right pioneered single issue voters with the Moral Majority way back in the Eighties, and have led the charge on (sometimes literally) demonizing their opponents since the early days of talk radio. I know, because I was there.
If the modern left doesn't really want to try and find common ground with a right wing that views them as something between subhuman scum and actual literal hell spawn, I'd argue that's entirely the right wing's fault.
The media has tried very hard to normalize extremism.
Funny key then
Ducking autocorrect I meant: Don't let them.
It's actually hilarious that "don't let them" got autocorrected to "Funny key then"
The any key wasn't enough now I gotta worry about the funny key too!?
Right wing extremism*
You don't see actual leftism being discussed at all, specially on US media. At the very best best they are discussing those democrat ideas that sound great on paper but are never ever implemented because compromise.
Enlightened centrist thoughts intensify
People even use centralism as a weapon as well though. They push the idea that the correct position in any debate is slap bang in the middle. Sometimes there is a demonstrably correct answer, and sitting in the middle is a bad thing.
But they'll argue to the death that sitting on the fence is the best thing to do in every situation. I've had people claim that the Ukrainians should just negotiate with Russia (assuming that would be even be possible) because that would be the middle option between fighting them and surrendering.
I like to break out this when people claim centrist/moderate is neutral. Nazi's: kill all Jews and Aryans. Non-Nazi's: don't kill Jews or non-Aryans. Moderates: let's compromise and just kill Jews instead guys.
If 9 people sit at a table with 1 nazi and none leave or make the nazi leave, you have 10 Nazi's sitting at a table.
If you try to compromise between two moral/legal viewpoints, you're still supporting the worst side
I'll go even a step further, there is usually a correct answer. Like, objectively provably correct answer.
Politics, a long time ago, was once about civilly considering what spending and infrastructure actions to take as well as taking into account what can be done for the future.
But that's enough about The High Republic era, here in reality its always been a bloodbath.
I blame the American political system which seems purpose designed to be dysfunctional. Europe had perfectly normal political debating until about the mid 1980s, when people started to see American style politics on the news and that gave them the idea that they could act like that when they became politicians. Then 2001 happened and suddenly they could do whatever they wanted if they just blamed it on terrorists.
And then of course Trump came along and taught them that you can straight up just lie about things.
Centrism is a sign of a healthy, functioning Democracy. People are allowed to hold nuanced beliefs that don't line up with yours and this "enlightened centrist" bullshit is just pure tribalism from people on the far fringes. You are contributing to creating an "in group" and an "out group" which historically has worked out very well for persons living in Communist and Fascist societies.
I get what you're saying, but an "enlightened centrist" is someone that argues for compromise between a sane position and an insane or evil one -- their "middle ground" is still awful.
A "centrist" take between two relatively sane positions isn't enlightened centrism. "Moderate" used to be the word for that, but given how extreme the political discourse has become the meaning of that word is changing too. You're better off qualifying what positions you're moderate on and how, or people will make unkind assumptions.
Well, US is not a functioning Democracy, and centrism in US means "pretty right wing but pretends not to be".
Except when the political climate is between slightly center left and extreme far right "centrism" ends up being pretty far to the right instead of actually in the center.
"Anyone who is a centrist should be brutally murdered, including all of their friends and family."
Versions of this have been posted repeatedly on various lemmy instances during political debates.
Its probably because extremists don't feel comfortable expressing their views in their everyday life, so they do it online instead, where they have some anonymity or at least don't face the same backlash as they would if they were to voice their opinions at work or at a bar or something.
Also, controversial takes get more engagement, which means more ad revenue.
Internet also helps gather these people together.
In the past if you were a "weird person" you would not find too many people that resonated with you and eventually many would just "normalize".
Now doesn't matter what kind of shitty take you have, there are always some group of people who thinks the same and will echoing each other
Social media politics is confirmation bias by design.
A few of my opinions that are less popular here:
I have no desire to debate any of those here. I talk politics with friends and in person and I try to remain skeptical especially of facts that happen to go my way.
One factual point: we haven't tried communism, we tried socialism. Communism was more of a faraway ideal.
Not debating substance of the claims, as debate not asked for.
Unions are not a perfect solution.
A perfect solution does not exist. I don't see anything too controversial about this unless you're implying that unions are somehow the problem. I would agree that trade unions would be better. But more ideally workers owning the means of production would be best. Though possibly still not perfect.
landlords are not inherantly bad and it's not a "sit back and cash in" type of job.
Good landlords exist. That however does not mean that landlords are generally good. Or that the sentiment against them is undeserved. Or that we should have landlords in the first place. Far too many sit back and cash in, as you put it.
Bridled Capitalism is a better system than the comunism we've tried so far.
There is no such thing as unbridled capitalism. Capitalism is always serving someone. But it's never the laborers or workers. Also Leninism != communism. (Yes they like to call themselves that and democratic. But that's never made it true.) And no, capitalism hasn't been much more beneficial in practice than leninism. This is not a defense of leninists. Far from. Just pointing out the pot calling the kettle black. Realistically there's little to point to capitalism being any better than mercantilism that came before.
Sometimes views can be unpopular because they're uninformed. Which, not wanting to debate this sort of thing definitely points to. That said, I have a bigger issue with not being able to debate/defend my views, than how popular they are with group X.
While that is true. Everyone seems to let perfection be the enemy of improvement. If the portrayal of anything different isn't a utopia, people will scoff at it and say that it isn't worth it, even if it is lightyears ahead of the current shit system.
This is the frustration I had with so many people back when the ACA was the issue of the day.
Like, sure, there are issues with the ACA, single payer, universal healthcare, etc. but at the same time, look at privatized healthcare, where the wealthy have no issues and get the best care and want to maintain the status quo, the middle class are forced into lower classes by medical expenses, lower classes are just sort of expected to quietly poor themselves to death, and the actual poor get underfunded state provided care...that the upper classes loudly complain about having to fund with "their" taxes. It's a system that's been corrupted into a socio-economic instrument of control by ownership classes to maintain their grip on both the money of the country and the lives and upward mobility of everyone beneath them.
But yeah let's not try anything different because your wait time for your sore throat might be a few extra minutes.
Social media politics is confirmation bias by design.
I haven't raised rent for my tenants for 3 years and dropped it during the pandemic. I repair everything in the house as fast as humanly possible. I added AC to the house and replaced my furnace with a heat pump to reduce the carbon footprint in efforts to increase my tenants comforts.
I will eventually move back into the house when I move back to the states. So I want to make sure anyone who stays there is happy and keeps an eye on my house.
People here call me a pig or scum. Good thing other peoples opinions don't matter to me. I just want to point out that some of us are not here to make a buck.
The criticism isn't really supposed to be about how nice or not nice you are anyway. The landlaird bad meme is just a good way to open people's eyes if need be and allow people to vent which they have the right to. The fundamental problem is with the ownership of an asset that is a necessity. And probably the fact that it even is so commodified.
it's easy to just clump everyone into a single category and then point at it and say 'that box bad'. it's also a mental shortcut our kind has taken throughout our history and, for better or worse, it has served us.
the alternative would be to actually take a step back and do some thinking instead of just agreeing with the hivemind. that takes effort, and it's significantly harder to find someone to agree with you on a fine-tuned idea. hence 'me smash landlord'. it also introduces the risk of becoming to trusting and getting burned by a bad landlord you would have judged as good. human adversity to risk plays a big part in favouring heuristics as well.
it's way easier to catalogue the kind of landlord you present here as a corner-case, no true scotsman, in order to prop up the general idea. for what it's worth, I don't think anybody is doing it out of any explicit form of malice.
Bridled capitalism only exists in the 1st world nations who exploit the rest of the planet. Ask africans, south americans and others about it. I have never personally seen this "good capitalism" you talk about.
It's even starting to show its ugly face to you guys. Good luck if you think it can stop fascism.
Holy strawman. Ironically, by reducing all those platforms to one extremist opinion he is doing exactly the same thing he is whining about.
It's an exaggeration about the stereotypical opinions from those platforms
Except unless you look very deep down somewhere, it's exactly that. Those stereotypes exist for a reason.
No, not at all lmao
Lighten up Francis. It's just making the valid point that our current politics are highly polarized and that there are a lot of very vocal crazies on the extremes.
Not all stereotypes
The more extreme someone's views, the more likely they are to talk about them.
People with moderate views generally avoid talking politics as much as possible.
Plenty of people with moderate views are passionate about politics and love to talk about it. Its just that they talk about boring stuff like policy positions and numbers.
I think it's also that the more you talk about and involve yourself in politics the more you get radicalized, it works both ways
Depends on the person and how well they are aware. Ive had discussions with people who were all over the place on the political spectrum. In the end with some i had a calm talk and exchanged ideas, that have made me realise things that could lean both ways and in others i left angry, but not changed because i was aware what was happening with me, emotionally, because of the discussion.
It isnt for everyone, ill grant you that, but self knowledge and being open to new ideas is key when talking about mundane politics ( and not extreme topics )
You can tell that this is about pre-Elon Twitter lmao
Yeah post Elon Twitter is "B-but cis is a slur!" As elons fee fees got hurt
I dunno but northern European socialism is looking pretty ok to me lately.
They're voting in anti-immgrant right wing politicians. Same with Germany, Spain, and France
If there's one thing the right are good at it's indoctrination. They co-opt spaces and then use them to infect people with their mindset.
And damn is it ever effective. Someone close to me is normally a leftist – she proudly supports her union (and unions in general), is strongly in favor of LGBT+ rights and environmental protection, mistrusts most political parties as they're too much in bed with big business etc.
However, she also hangs out on 9GAG, which apparently has been pretty much taken over by the right. This has greatly affected her views on immigrants since she's exposed to unchallenged right-wing drivel every day. It was "fun" when she told me how refugee facilities are hotbeds of violent crime and then it turned out that the unspecified statistics she was basing this on were mostly about violence against refugees.
(Not that those camps perfectly safe by themselves but not in the way right wingers make it sound like refugees and immigrants (who are conflated) are all violent anarchists who are above the law.)
Recently she just had to share this "joke" with me. The whole thing consisted of two police officers with Turkish names finding a generic German name exotic. That was it; I couldn't find any punchline in there, just a "the immigrants are replacing us" message. I'm just writing for the day when I hear the word "Überfremdung" ("overforeigning", a standard term of the far right) out of her mouth.
It goes on like that. Politically she's convinced that the Greens are completely unviable as a party and the worst part of the current government – the FDP (our liberal party for rich people) gets no mention despite being diametrically opposed to most of her core views. Ricarda Lang (a Green politician) being fat is much more important and will never get old.
I have no idea how to counter this but I'm afraid that she'll drift off into the hard right with time. She seems unwilling to accept that her main source of funnies is also chock full of right wing propaganda.
Yeah this seems to be the case all over.
Something about a fence and the colour saturation of the grass
Denmark is tearing itself apart, we have a total right-wing government tearing down public infrastructure and institutions. Mere days ago, pensions for lower class workers, which were promised by the last government in 2020, have been cancelled and 60 year-old people who are falling apart have been told to go back to work. 2 years ago we lost a national holiday under the guise of 'the economy' but the 'the economy' was just rich people wanted lower taxes and they got it. Our PM us a US puppet, or at least acts it. Car infrastructure reigns supreme, gets all of the funding. Rail projects are cancelled for being 'too expensive', despite being a fraction of highway expansion projects. Jobcenters (and consequently all people who are too sick to work or work under special circumstances) are being handed over the municipalities who are completely unequipped to handle the burden, and have only so far been doing it because they had to by law and even then did a really shitty job of it. Our entire public healthcare sector is bombed, there is no help to get. If you get cancer, tough luck, roll the dice. GPs generally just don't care and will diagnose you with anything to make you leave. Emergency lines are staffed by old farts who can't speak properly and will tell you that no, actually, it's totally normal for a person of your age (25 then) to spontaneously bleed from the anus; don't worry about it!
A Ukrainian refugee wrote a lengthy blogpost on r/Denmark about how he was met with nothing but contempt and racism at every step of the process here, and the comment section was full of "No; our institutions treat citizens like that, too. Welcome to Denmark."
Can't speak for the others, but Sweden is definitely doing better than us at this point in time, but I am hearing it is also on a similar decline.
It feels like the internet paints Scandinavian countries as a social paradise when in reality they have extreme problems with racism & require you to conform to the norm to a high degree, have a massive issue with wealth inequality & corporatism (although unlike the US you're not completely ruined if you're poor), and a lot of other things people complain about when referring to America (but obviously they don't come even close to being as ass backwards as the US in most regards).
Seriously, Sweden has the 12th highest wealth inequality of any country in the world, it ranks worse than Russia, the US, India, etc. Denmark and Norway fare far better in this regard, but they're still the highest in Europe along with Germany and the Netherlands (excluding Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey, which are completely fucked in their own right).
If you want country that actually comes close to meeting "social" criteria, go to an eastern European country like Poland or Czechia or Slovakia or Albania. Now, you'll get shanked if you appear even slightly gay, but otherwise it's pretty great; people don't steal (theft/robbery rates are EXTREMELY low, the lowest in the world probably), sexual crimes are low, there's not a culture of fearing for your safety constantly like in other places (you can walk alone at night in Albania!), eastern European countries are often ranked as some of the safest in Europe (shocker) and people in those countries generally feel safer, it's a lot more equal due to all that communism and stuff that happened, everything is inexpensive (although your income will be a lot lower too), it's very easy to find employment if you're skilled due to shortages. Poland has especially been growing economically and now getting better politically. Plus, Albania only has the third highest rate of cocaine use (behind the US and England/Wales, of course)!
But generally internet people don't even consider eastern Europe as a viable option to move to because it's too poor and nonwhite for them lol. Oh and I guess not being able to be gay in public is pretty bad.
I mean it's not like most people wanting to could move to the EU regardless, they'd be lucky to get in anywhere (yes, even Hungary). It's extremely hard to get in unless you're a highly skilled worker or you have a claim to citizenship/residence by descent from having e.g. Italian/Lithuanian/Hungarian ancestors or recent German/Slovak ancestors or the likes.
No country in Northern Europe has Socialism. They have a strong social welfare system on top of a capitalist economy. Aka Social Democracy. Not even close to socialism.
Socdem countries are great for the people living in them but they rely heavily on the exploitation of the global south. The devastation of capitalism was simply exported to people who had no other choice but to accept it
Northern Europe is Capitalist with safety nets, not Socialist. Regardless of how well or poorly they are doing (they seem to be declining in many metrics they lead the rest of the world in), if you want to advocate for adopting some of their successful policy, call it Social Democracy.
Socialism isn't "moderate safety nets," it's an economic system based on Worker Ownership of the Means of Production.
Lemmy is a combination of Twitter and Reddit.
"Communism is inherently racist and homophobic" or "All white people never fail"?
True whiteness has never been implemented.
Listening to Privs explain why they plan to not vote this year, both.
But for IT people xD
I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
I pictured literal sheep in Halloween masks at first. I thought it was just insane person Facebook.
If I did see a whole flock of sheep in Halloween masks, I would have something to say...
I may have come here to say that last thing isn't political at all, then realized I'm an idiot.
We’re here…we just don’t shout as much the others. We’re probably reading a book quietly in the other room.
Mmm.. books.
Actually, Communism has never existed.
Primitive communism has, just not industrial or post industrial.
Jewish kibbutz
There was also the hybrid communism system which was called a technit
Every family or tribal unit is essentially communism. It's not like money changes hands between small children and parents. It's literally "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs".
Family or tribal unit is single agent
Neither has capitalism
Ah. We need an anarchist state so we can give capitalism a proper go /s
I don't believe that, but it's certainly true that some people compare real world capitalism and hypothetical utopian communism, etc., which is obviously not a serious comparison.
Go on Lemmy "We need to ban all religion, no atheist has ever done anything evil"
That date explains a lot in regards to Twitter.
Such is the life of the "radical centrist".
Such ie thr lofe of the "radical centrist".
I'm aware of what it actually says, are you just fat fingering the phone's keyboard, or do you need medical assistance?
What du yie mert? Theiere comletey forn.
Whoops. I really should have read that before posting. Thanks lmao. Yeah, just bad typing.
It's almost like people want change when the status quo is failing them.
Social media happened ...
And remember, if you're a centrist, you're actually a baby murdering nazi conmunist women controlling alt-right-left marxist thatcherite bigoted sheep!
getting sentimental in reminiscence of 2021 over herr
Normal according to who?
I mean I get that it's a meme, and exaggerated for comic effect... But yeah that's what the world looks like if one semi-willfully misinterprets other people's views into weird caricatures of what they actually believe. And it's sadly a really common thing to do.
Anon is retarded and looks to social media for political debate.
Also, what country has ever been communist and not just a fascist dictatorship calling itself communist?
Anon should go to a bar like normal people do.
Ah yes, centrism. Gotta love preserving the status quo
Ah yes, extremism. Gotta love creating an authoritarian hellscape. At least the intentions were good!
what you said has literally nothing to do with the post
Ah yes, young left wing extremism. Because new is only ever good and old is only ever bad.
I don't know, by the way, can we stop demonizing the Confederate flag? K thnx
No, it does deserve the vitriol. The South is not inherently bad and needs a better thing to rally around. The battle flag of a treasonous rebellion fighting to continue to exploit and harm an entire race of people for monetary gain shouldn't be it.
Stating a fact isn't the same thing as demonizing.
The Confederate flag represents a group of proud racists.
The cornerstone address literally contains "Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
Read it for yourself:
You should know better.
You should know better
I was talking about the flag itself.. not actually supporting the CSA
Don't put words in my mouth