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  • Discord is an absolute piece of garbage, it’s not a good messaging app, definitely not a good place to host a community (seriously, I don’t understand why some communities saw Discord as an alternative after the Reddit API changes), and most importantly, it’s spyware. The company doesn’t have a business model and it was founded by a guy who is notorious for creating random shit that’s not economically sustainable at all. I don’t understand why anyone would use this shit. This video outlines everything that’s wrong with Discord:

    Switch to Revolt or Matrix

    • It's a fantastic message app and no amount of posts like this will change that fact. I get that it's proprietary and therefore evil and all that, but literally nothing else compares. It's so feature-rich and provides powerful features for server admins, and has a great ecosystem of bots and communities.

      Matrix isn't anywhere near as good and Revolt, let's be real, is only good because it is UNAPOLOGETICALLY a 1:1 Discord clone. Even the settings menu is exactly the same. It's also lacking a bunch of features.

      • Hai

        revolt contributor here, might be biased so please take all of this with a grain of salt

        revolt is not a clone of discord, it only has a familiar interface because new users are used to it

        there is an ongoing UI redesign that you can try out on, feedback is really valuable right now, so it would be nice if you could point out issues with it

        also, small reminder that revolt is made by a relatively small team consisting of less than 10 members, all volunteers, so the lack of features is pretty understandable from my point of view

        if you don't like it, it's fine, there are other apps that are probably better than what revolt has to offer (like spacebar!)

        kinda sad that there is little to no competition to discord :c

    • Okay, let me just convince all 200 of the people I'm in a server with, who all have varying levels of tech skills, to download this different app they never heard of before.

      I'd love to man, but it's just not as easy as that.

    • It is absolutely a good messaging app. Valid place to host a community? Debatable, sure. In fact it's so good, that Revolt is almost a direct copy of it as shown above.

      Whether that makes it a good app to use is another matter. Don't know about the spyware, or it's economic sustainability, but it has been around for years and years so it must be doing something right in terms of being sustainable, because it has sustained itself.

      Regardless of Discord though, the biggest issue with moving platforms is getting people to move there. It's taken this long to get some of my friend group off of WhatsApp, and some still stubbornly stick to Facebook Messenger (true particularly at universities).

      • it must be doing something right in terms of being sustainable

        They're basically living off of investor money and selling user data. The former is not an indefinite solution though. And Discord Nitro is a fucking joke, the revenue generated from it will never cover the operational costs.

        Matrix is a much better solution, it uses peer-to-peer technology ( to reduce the burden of operational costs on the team. It's also federated, just like Lemmy, meaning anyone can host their own Matrix server and communicate with users on other servers. Running Matrix at home or on a VPS is even easier than self-hosting Lemmy. It's also completely free and open-source and allows everyone to write their own clients. Discord on the other side is a piece of proprietary garbage/spyware and bans everyone who attempts to use a custom client. I will never understand why so many people like Discord.