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Survey finds strong support for legislation aimed at further restricting and reducing tobacco use Survey finds strong support for legislation aimed at further restricting and reducing tobacco use ⋆ Michigan Advance

A package of tobacco prevention legislation has strong support among Michigan voters surveyed in a telephone poll over the summer. That’s according to Keep MI Kids Tobacco Free Alliance, a coalition of more than 120 public health organizations and associations, hospital systems and education groups,...

Survey finds strong support for legislation aimed at further restricting and reducing tobacco use ⋆ Michigan Advance

“Enough is enough. We cannot let Big Tobacco addict another generation of our kids. Our state laws are out of date and out of touch with what Michigan residents want and need to protect youth and advance racial and health equity,” said Minou Jones, founder of Making It Count and chair of the Detroit Wayne Oakland Tobacco-Free Coalition. “Coalitions in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, Newaygo and other communities across the state are ready to help push this life-saving legislation over the finish line. We look forward to working with lawmakers from all corners of the state to end flavored tobacco sales, hold retailers accountable and put the health of all Michiganders ahead of tobacco industry profits.”

  • Fear mongering

    Flavored vapes helped me quit smoking, they're a fantastic aid for harm reduction. I think this is counterproductive to society as a whole seeing as how kids shouldn't even have access to these things in the first place. Should probably just enforce the laws that are on the books already about selling to minors.

    • I'll just call partial bullshit as I'm not exactly sure what the existing laws are regarding vaping and minors. Are persons of questionable age supposed to be "carded" like with alcohol? What is the vaping age in Michigan anyway? 16? 18? 21? In any case, how is this "counterproductive to society as a whole"?

      Regarding your quitting smoking questionably thanks to flavored vapes: obviously we don't know each other and I don't know your exact circumstances but…

      • If you were using vapes (flavored or not) containing nicotine, then vaping was only a psychological crutch. Regardless of gradually decreasing nicotine intake or not, you one day made the decision to stop. Thinking otherwise is a fallacy: switching from a 12mg nicotine cigarette to a 10mg or 8mg cigarette in fact only leads to increased smoking.
      • If your vaping was nicotine-free, then again, vaping was again a crutch. Unless, you alternated between cigarettes and vaping, you quit the first time you chose to vape instead of smoking cigarettes.

      In either case, congratulations. You are no longer a slave to nicotine. Be strong. Nicotine is a powerfully addictive substance with zero benefits. Be it smoking, vaping, gum or patches, a user stops only when they are ready. Like the old joke…

      Q: How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?
      A: Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.

  • Full disclosure: I am an ex-smoker (twice). No matter what you are telling yourself about your smoking/vaping, it's a lie.

    You are a slave.

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