ngl, if the game's control scheme has you control pitch and yaw with the mouse, then I find that it's all or nothing with control inversion.
For instance, in Space Engineers, if I move as the engineer, I prefer straight controls for pitch and yaw. But when I'm piloting, I prefer inverted pitch and can wrap my mind around inverted yaw.
(Vertical Inverted) I see the joystick as my head. If I push it up forward (like my head), I'll end up looking at my feet and if I pull it backward, I'll be looking at the ceiling.
To clarify I mean inverted y axis. It may just be that I started gaming with flight sims, but I see it less as tilting up and down and more like tilting forward and back. If you had a joystick on the top of your head and tilted it forward your head would start looking down. Likewise if you tilted it back your head would look up.
What do you mean? I once tried to ride a bike with inverted steering. It sucks. I couldn't stay on longer than 2 seconds. Most people can't, although there are few who have managed to learn it.