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Holy crap. I've never had an experience in a game like running into the frogmen.

I was doing so good. My little 3 character party was holding off Canhead exiles, we even wiped out an entire camp. We were hurt though, and the Hive doesn't have public beds. We had to ditch our sleeping bags to get away from gorillos and beakthings earlier.

So we limped north, into the fog. Hoping the city in the distance would be safe. We didn't even make into the fog.

At first there were only three frogmen. We downed one. Then the rest of them came. And we got captured. For those of you that know who the frogmen are, you probably know how this ends. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't run into them.

The big guy in the party never had a chance. He was far too injured from the multiple battles we had with canheads. He lost consciousness before the frogmen even captured him. I suppose whatever god that might still cast it's gaze apon the moon Kenshi still had a drop of compassion that afternoon.

The party leader is a skilled lockpick, with experience breaking out of bonds. She was able to break free, unbind the other remaining party member, and take an aggressive defensive stance.

Both were quickly captured again.

Know that the human Elder, of the city of Squin was able to free herself four times from her bonds at the stake. Twice rescuing her friend and running for freedom. Each time felling at least one foe. All four times recaptured.

Finally, as dawn broke, with only the boots of her two friends remaining and having endured the sequels and horrible crunching sounds echo in the night she made a finale break through the fog.

And stumbled. And fell. And finally lose consciousness for too long to stop them from their ritual.