Sorry, another news from this asshole, but this is too much assholery to don't be shared
Despite him being a shitty boss that fired employees that criticized him on twitter, he promised an "unlimited" legal defense fund to fight against employers that fired employees because of something they wrote on Twitter.
Under his tweet a lot of "verified" (=right wing) accounts plauded this and asked to fight employers who fired employees for having written something homophobic
We make our employees sign a form when they're hired stating that they will not mention our company or any of its employees on social media in a negative way. It's standard practice. Any company big enough to have its own lawyer(s), they will advise them to do that because it can help prevent serious legal Issues.
We make our employees sign a form when they're hired stating that they will not mention our company or any of its employees on social media in a negative way. It's standard practice
The NLRB ruled that non-disparagement clauses are not enforceable
It's a clear violation of the first amendment...
Also, referring to the company you work for as "we" while talking about firing another employee is cringe as fuck.
It has literally nothing to do with the first amendment.
The first amendment gives you zero protections from anyone but the government. All other entities are entitled to respond to your speech however the fuck they want.
Yeah idk man, I would not call it "a clear violation" based on your link. This is basically the NLRB's opinion and they expect to be challenged on it.
Also I think we need to delineate those folks who are genuinely facing retaliation for discuss working conditions, and those who want Elon to help them sue because they got fired for saying the N slur on Twitter or other troll bullshit
The first amendment only protects you from being prosecuted by the government for things you say (and it's even limited... You can't yell fire in a crowded theatre for instance).
Even if I hadn't agreed to this it would be a no brainer. If you found your friend talking shit about you they wouldn't be your friend anymore, why would an employer react any different?
I don't know what kind of friends you have, but your employer is not your friend, nor your family.
They are there to exploit your labour for profit, and will only ever defend themselves, never you.
(this isn't to say I agree with musk or anything, fuck him and anything he does, and fuck the bigots, they deserve consequences to their actions, but the idea that anyone would defend their boss like they would defend a friend makes me sad and angry and massively frustrated. Those contracts Karlos mentioned are 100% ass covering by a company that is more concerned with its reputation than it is with its employees, which when you consider we live in capitalism is to be expected, but it still seems to escape so so many people - 99% of employers don't give two shits about you, including, and maybe especially, those who are really good at convincing you that they value "loyalty")
Does Trump's "Will be wild!" tweet count? He got impeached and now has 4 felony counts in relation to that one... I'm sure he'd LOVE to stick someone else with the bill for it...
The man who might be the poster boy for "the science, not the scientist?"
Bad example imo. Dude even shut his whore mouth and just made rockets to own the commies, he's if anything a fair argument for far right rehabilitation.
Under his tweet a lot of “verified” (=right wing) accounts plauded this and asked to fight employers who fired employees for having written something homophobic
But that will require for me to go on that cesspool again...
Follow the link, there's a link to musk Xcrement, under that all the Blue subscribers they're talking about a transphobe fired by Ubisoft, and then another one