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task2 is extremely disgusting code, but I was drawing an ugly picture of the situation and just wrote it down. Somehow, this worked first try.
import day10._
import day10.Dir._
import day11.Grid
extension (p: Pos) def parity = (p.x + p.y) % 2
def connect(p: Pos, d: Dir, g: Grid[Char]) =
val to = walk(p, d)
Option.when(g.inBounds(to) && g.inBounds(p) && g(to) != '#' && g(p) != '#')(DiEdge(p, to))
def parseGrid(a: List[List[Char]]) =
val g = Grid(a)
Graph() ++ g.indices.flatMap(p => Dir.all.flatMap(d => connect(p, d, g)))
def reachableIn(n: Int, g: Graph[Pos, DiEdge[Pos]], start: g.NodeT) =
@tailrec def go(q: List[(Int, g.NodeT)], depths: Map[Pos, Int]): Map[Pos, Int] =
q match
case (d, n) :: t =>
if depths.contains(n) then go(t, depths) else
val successors = + 1 -> _)
go(t ++ successors, depths + (n.outer -> d))
case _ =>
go(List(0 -> start), Map()).filter((_, d) => d <= n).keys.toList
def compute(a: List[String], n: Int): Long =
val grid = Grid(
val g = parseGrid(
val start = g.get(grid.indexWhere(_ == 'S').head)
reachableIn(n, g, start).filter(_.parity == start.parity).size
def task1(a: List[String]): Long = compute(a, 64)
def task2(a: List[String]): Long =
// this only works for inputs where the following assertions holds
val steps = 26501365
assert((steps - a.size/2) % a.size == 0)
assert(steps % 2 == 1 && a.size % 2 == 1)
val d = steps/a.size
val k = (2 * d + 1)
val k1 = k*k/2
def sq(x: Long) = x * x
val grid = Grid(
val g = parseGrid(
val start = g.get(grid.indexWhere(_ == 'S').head)
val center = reachableIn(a.size/2, g, start)
// If you stare at the input enough, one can see that
// for certain values of steps, the total area is covered
// by some copies of the center diamond, and some copies
// of the remaining triangle shapes.
// In some repetitions, the parity of the location of S is
// the same as the parity of the original S.
// d0 counts the cells reachable in a center diamond where
// this holds, dn0 counts the cells reachable in a center diamond
// where the parity is flipped.
// The triangular shapes are counted by dr and dnr, respectively.
// The weird naming scheme is taken directly from the weird diagram
// I drew in order to avoid further confusing myself.
val d0 = center.count(_.parity != start.parity)
val dr = g.nodes.count(_.parity != start.parity) - d0
val dn0 = center.size - d0
val dnr = dr + d0 - dn0
// these are the counts of how often each type of area appears
val r = sq(2 * d + 1) / 2
val (rplus, rminus) = (r/2, r/2)
val z = sq(2 * d + 1) / 2 + 1
val zplus = sq(1 + 2*(d/2))
val zminus = z - zplus
// calc result
zplus * d0 + zminus * dn0 + rplus * dr + rminus * dnr
This has a line-second score of of about 100 (including the comments - I don't know what counts as code and what doesn't so I figured I just include everything); translating this 1:1 into c++ ( yields a line-second score of 2.9.