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  • Back in the late 70s and early 80s, when I got to stay home from school, I remember that around 11am the local PBS channel would air short videos from regional public service stations around the country, or low-budget cartoon shorts with an experimental vibe to them, who knows where they were made or by whom.

    One example was of a short fella who sang the same "Ey yey-yey-yey" refrain over and over again, those around him got increasingly annoyed but he wouldn't stop. At the end, a mob slowly converges around the character, encircling him... and he just keeps on cluelessly singing the "Ey yey-yey-yey" refrain.
    The mob covers the guy, there's a quick collective roar, then it recedes to show a tombstone. The last shot is of the "Ey yey-yey-yey" echoing as we see the image of the grave, frozen on the screen.

    Another one, which I vaguely remember was filmed by a North Carolina public television station, a live action short of a kid that gets bullied at school, at the end the bully or bullies have some sort of accident in the woods, the kid is witness to this, and the shot freezes on the kid looking straight at the camera, with a voiceover along the lines of "What would YOU do in this situation?"... and it ends, right there, not with a resolution but with a cliffhanger and a moral question.

    EDIT: grammar for clarity

  • It was a game for PC around the year 2000, I don't even know the name of it. I've been searching for it for years. It's a point and click adventure game.

    The premise is your spaceship breaks down on an alien planet. If you try to repair the ship immediately a giant alien spider will come and kill you.

    After searching for a while you end up making friends with one of the aliens and sneak around one of the villages looking for parts.

    I never made it past that point.

    I highly doubt anyone will know what this is, I've tried multiple times on that reddit sub for games people can't remember.

  • GTA IV Pakistan edition

    Basically, just a GTA4 pirate rip and modded and sold on actual disks.

    There are several, and they are hard to find online because any uploads of it probably don't exist anywhere anymore, and were already rare due to aforementioned disks.

    Some of them are so regional and probably made by one person, the only way to find one is to get a computer HDD with it installed.

  • there is this film from the late 80s called miracle mile about a guy who answers an incoming call at a payphone outside a diner in los angeles, and its a panicked military officer who dialed the wrong phone number who says he just launched americas nukes and that a nuclear retaliation will hit american soil in about an hour. a lot of the film is spent without being fully convinced of the authenticity of the phone call and the film has a slightly dreamlike pacing which makes it feel pretty tense, and theres a scene that stuck with me where the main character has a nosebleed in the diner after the phone call. i feel like even as far as cult films go this one is a little under the radar and, even though its not a life altering film, probably deserves a little more credit than it gets.

  • Movies:

    • Kubo and the Two Strings. Some of the story elements are a bit too obvious, but the overall story is charming and the art style (stop motion with puppet-like characters) is just plain cool.
    • Kirikou and the Sorceress. Wonderfully weird with an interesting story
    • Triplets of Belleville. The entire movie is "told" without words, except for a single sentence right at the start and one right at the end.


    • Terranigma (SNES). Main characters revives / creates an entire world that was doomed ages ago. It's kind of bittersweet when you're done reviving the continents, plants and animals and then the humans start f*cking stuff up. Great music and visuals too, despite being 16-Bit style
    • Ōkami. One of my all-time favorites but due to minimal marketing, not many people are aware that this game even exists. Charming art style and interesting gameplay concept.
  • Okay, here's one: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game. Not the SCUMM engine adventure game made by LucasArts, no I'm talking about the godawful action platformer that Tiertex smeared across every console and home computer of the early 90's like shit across the handicap stall in the men's room of a Ruby Tuesday. I knew it as the particularly heinous MS-DOS port but they put it on everything from the Commodore 64 to the Game Boy.

    The controls are bad, the mechanics don't make sense, the level design is bullshit, the enemy design and placement is unfair, the graphics are mediocre, the audio is bad to horrible depending on the has no redeeming qualities.

    I hope it's obscure because lord it deserves to be forgotten. How do you take a white hot license like Indiana Jones and fuck it up so comprehensively?

  • Hand of Manos. Most likely thee worst movie ever made. I found it for a screen writing class. The assignment was watch a bad movie then present it to the class. Easiest A+ of my fucking life.

    Another weird one is, there used to be a sex Tetris type game for Windows 98 or earlier. Little naked people would drop down and when you got a full line they would jump off the screen. I don't know how that got on the family PC, but it was on it. I played it. So there's that.

  • I recently worked my way through the old games library on and found some gems I used to play.
    The game that got me looking there in the first place was Lost Dutchman Mine (still holds up!), but then I just kept scrolling and have bookmarked dozens of games. I won't list them all, but some favourites I grew up playing (and still occasionally revisit) that I don't think were massively (or at least still would be) well known:
    Xonix - the first pc game I ever played, back when monitors only had 2 colours lol
    Jones in the Fast Lane The Sims if it was a board game
    Mario is Missing Yes, the Mario. I was the only person I know to own and play this game
    Home alone and Home Alone 2 both on 5¼-inch floppy
    Goblins I never got far in this game as a kid, and I have resorted to digging up the walkthrough even today to progress lol

    Not a game, there is also Jerry Springer the Opera, a satire which I feel went far too low under the radar, and more people should watch (I think most people assume that the first act - a mock up JS episode, is all it is, but it really isn't). I've listened to it so many times I can literally sing you the whole thing from beginning to end (OST is much better quality than the live recording, and is on YT too). 😂(CW: contains some outdated and offensive terms and slurs)
    E: here's a no-spoiler taste, the ad break
    Edit again (I'm now re-watching it and this part just came up and reminded me lol): some folks here might be familiar with I Just Wanna Fuckin' Dance, which is from the opera!

    There are probably many more, but I've just woken up, so that's all that comes to mind rn..