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Parkable cities

They probably assumed this is like a theme park or something and not an actual city that people actually live in year round. Cities having nice, people friendly places away from cars? Who’s ever heard of that?

Fuck Cars

Parkable cities

216 5
Microblog Memes

Parkable cities

1080 157
  • There's a Christmas market about half that size in Denver. I've never been puzzled about how people get there.

    • No one is puzzled. This was a case of someone casually scrolling and commenting without critical thought. Which, let's be honest, we are all guilty of that and the other guy taking the opportunity to dunk with an AmEriCa Am I rIgHt???

      • Saying "I want to know how they deal with parking", assuming they have vast parking garages and a shrug emoji is what I interpreted as puzzled. If you're not clear it's a reference to access to public transportation.