if you were going to die tomorrow and only you knew what would you do?
if you were going to die tomorrow and only you knew what would you do?
no you cant tell anyone youre going to die, you have 24 hours starting now
if you were going to die tomorrow and only you knew what would you do?
no you cant tell anyone youre going to die, you have 24 hours starting now
Call out sick from work, spend the day with my kids, do something meaningful with them, then put them to bed.
Yeah pretty much this.
meamibgful as in? (edit: as in what things are meaningful to them)
Things that they want to do, go to the park, etc. I wouldn't want to drag them around to something they probably aren't in the mood for.
Tbh I think if this genuinely happened and I just found out right now, I would just start walking and not stopping. I would think I'd be the most mindful and alert I have ever been in my life and I wouldn't want to waste that. I also imagine I would also probably be extremely nice to everyone. Like someone's walking in the rain or something and I'd just hand them the coat I was wearing for them to keep. It would look really weird lol but I think that's the kind of hyper-selflessness that you'd just do without even a thought if you knew you were about to die.
Thanks for asking this question btw it's very intriguing. It makes me wonder if it's even remotely possible to live each day like it's your last y'know.
At some point it would become exhausting. You'd be mentally drained all the time; I honestly do not think it's the best to live life as if every day was the last, else you'd be missing out on life itself. Every single day that we are alive is a day that we experience life. Ups and downs are impossible to avoid, it's apart of it, but it's that experience which makes us happy to live - and thinking of every day being the last is allowing yourself to live in a parallel world, experiencing life as a mirage.
That was really insightful tysm for replying. I feel like you've thought about this before haha.
Yeah I think you might be right, sometimes it feels like a day's been wasted because I didn't spend it exactly how I envision a good day, but there are different kinds of good. Every experience and feeling is unique and it's hard to say that one experience or feeling is objectively better than another.
Also I like your phrasing 'happy to live', it sounds like contendedness which I do believe is possible unlike permanent happiness. Have you heard of that infinite happiness machine thing btw?
Delete all my porn and write down all my passwords for my wife.
Convince my spouse to stay home from work and do all her favorite activities, basically give her a really awesome day to remember me by.
Keep browsing.
Honestly why not? You'll be dead, what does it matter what you do in your final hours? I'd just carry on as was. If you're religious, then death is just the next step, and your last day won't mean much. If you're not, you're about to cease existing, what would it matter to you then.
Just relax, eat chips, and doom scroll your way to death
I think you gave "doomscrolling" a whole new meaning.
Just relax, eat chips, and doom scroll your way to death
But Lemmy is down.
try to meet with or call everyone i love and tell them how much i love them
guess i'd buy a rifle and take my best shot at improving the world
Maybe hire a hooker. Feed my dog a steak. Write a will. Test drive a hellcat. Hire another hooker.
I'd do it in that order too
hookers are rape
I would immediately buy everybody everything on credit, then die.
does credit not transfer
Nothin. Anything I'd want to do would cost money, and money is the thing I dont have.
Maybe speed things along if nothing else.
we don't need money, just credit. It's not like we'll need to pay it off.
Yeah, I would just chill and ignore everyone's requests.
Stop worrying. Maybe go out to eat tonight.
Yeah, this would be it. All of my future worries and duties have suddenly been wiped away! Just gonna take it chill and wait for the release.
Kill my self. Die on my own terms, and mess up whoever’s plan it was for me to die in 24hrs
control is overrated in this context. I would recommend that you just go have fun instead. ¯(ツ)_/¯
The rules state you die tomorrow, not anytime before that. So effectively you are immortal for 24 hours.
But I'm not scared of death anyway. I'm scared of pain.
Finalize my will.
i'd tell everyone I could, you cant tell me what to do
Fuck knows. Panic?
Would question my own sanity
if you were definiyely sane...
Then I would probably fall into despair and do some really stupid things like buying stuff I cant afford, try to punch the president or motorboat the hottest woman I can find
Well im on the other side of the country from my wife. Also 8 hours from the nearest airport to get home.
I think i wouls drive the great Australian bite and write out my feelings and how much i love mt wife and friends, then sit on the bottom of Australia and watch the sun set off those cliffs then set the text to send after i die, (since i cant tell anyone ahead of time)
It would be lonely but i think cathartic too, just a chance to decompress from the world before the forever sleep
Triple-check that our mortage is paid off in the event of my death, so that my wife and children will have a place to live after I (sole breadwinner) am gone.
Tell my kids I love them, update my will, go to the redwood forest, and walk until I died.
What if walking into the redwood forest is what causes your death? You would've lived if you stayed home and played video games instead of going into the forest and getting mauled by a bear
I would actually take the question at face value, and take it as I'd die no matter what I do
That is how I'd rather die anyways.
Probably the same I do already. Stare into one of the glowing rectangles in my home, waiting for it to end and being happy that I didn't selfishly put more humans into this grinder.
Try heroin lol
self fulfilling prophecy perhaps.
That's So Raven theme song intensifies
Yeah. I'm gonna OD on fent as many times as I can before I die.
Burn something down tied to shitty CEOdom.
Burn corpo shit
I'd get in the car and start driving. I'd go and have the conversation I've been afraid to have for years
... or I'd be paralyzed with fear like I've been for the rest of my life.
... or if I'm being honest, I'd most likely grab a bottle of tequila, fall off the wagon, and find out what I actually want to do that way.
24 hours
First, I wouldn't tell anyone I was going to die, but I'd go see everyone who is important to me. Even if it was insanely inconvenient for them, I'd do it and tell them I love them. I'm sure it will make all of them angry I didn't say "I'll be dead in 24hrs" but that's now how I want to go out. Everyone crying and blah blah blah. Am I getting on your nerves because you love me but the new born is crying and I showed up unannounced? I know and that's okay. I'll probably smile fondly, give them a big hug and tell them I'll see them when I can. Then I'd get home and start writing. I'd write as much to every person I needed to. If I had anything to say at all, I'd say it. A lot of apologizing and explaining why I didn't say anything but I'd definitely put in a "if you feel bad by the way you acted towards me the last time we saw each other, fuck you. I don't remember being required to consider your feelings about my death. I went out the way I wanted, and I gave you one last memory of me being me. Not everyone standing around being an asshole and crying on everything." Then would elaborate in detail to each one individually what I will remember about them. What I want them to remember about me and who I was. Probably write about the good and the bad, but remind them every other paragraph they have nothing to feel bad for, that I know they loved me and I didn't say anything because I wanted my last time with them to be normal. It would take the majority of the time I have left. Then, idk. Probably depending on my mood in the hours before, I may go find somewhere secluded with a good view or pick one person and tell them so I don't have to go out alone. That one I don't think any person can say for sure till it happened. Hell, I might say fuck it and find anyone I can so I don't go out alone. But I've already faced some of this reality once and writing was the thing that I felt I needed to do most. To explain anything and everything. Don't leave anything up for debate or question. They will all have all the answers to all the questions within days of my death. No wondering this or feeling guilty for that.
I would spend the day with my loved ones reminding them of what great people they are and then passing with dignity. I do not fear death because the Buddhist philosophy taught me to embrace the here and now. Yesterday already happened and tomorrow is not a given. Today matters.
I would do everything in my power to make sure my family knows how much I love them. Not too worried about financial particulars etc. We're poor as fuck and all my accounts are jointly in my wife's name, so whatever resources there are she shouldn't have a problem getting at. I'm confident my brothers and her siblings would step up and help with our kids. My kids are old enough to miss me but young enough for it to probably not ruin their lives. They'd most likely be ok.
Regardless of the means of my demise, I'd slip away shortly before my time was up and drive to the police station or something.
you might want to record a will just in case
Why can’t I tell anyone? Would they kill me if I did?
Celebrate, make sure there’s some legal framework for all my stuff to go to my younger brothers and then probably drink/smoke/do whatever drugs I can find to make the last few hours as nice as possible.
I lost the will to keep fighting a long time ago. I’m not actively hoping for death, but it’s not something I’d be unhappy about encountering.
answrrs so far: sex, walking, browsing, play with my kids.
Spend every minute of every second with my son and the people I love. This is like taking a cruise where you're never coming back but with the knowledge of when the cruise is leaving. That would be amazing.
cry a lot
I would probably die
I would give my money, which isn't much, to my family straight away.
I would spend my last day with them, leave some nice messages to friends (the ones I care for like family are just too far away).
I would cancel all my clients
I think that's it
was more just thinking drop dead honwsflyy
I'd try to figure out a way to stop it from happening.
Probably the most realistic answer...
Now I'm going to go watch Crank. Again.
I'll watch it with you
Finally start smoking pipe tobacco. I've been putting it off as I'm sure it will give me mouth cancer.
Donnie Darko
you would do Donnie Darko? No judgement, that's understandable
Get a second opinion.
steal someone’s credit card and go buy a bunch of weed (it’s legal here). after also eating a great meal, I’d go get high in Central Park and just walk around, enjoying the views until I died.
the person would report the card stolen and get the (relatively small) charges stricken/refunded, so I’m not worried about the ethics of that.
Why do you have to steal a credit card to do this?
because I am poor
As funny as it is to make fun of you and your 7 alt accounts this comment is actually concerning. Please visit your friends and family in real life more.
Don't do whatever this is.
Carry on spending the weekend in peace. My gf and i had some amazing sex when we woke up this morning, went to the farmer's market, went to some cute shops, did cute gay stuff like holding hands while we walked all around our city. I'm content, for the first time in my life. Dying now wouldn't be so bad.
Play bladurs gate and continue on as normal. Maybe drink something nice, listen to my favorite song. It's not me I care about it's my partner who would be left wondering and without an income
I've prepared for this scenario. I have my own two minute speech prepared.
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i don't know, probably go say thanks to my parents. take my dog on a really long walk with lots of play time.
Honestly, probably not too much. Eat some of my favorite foods, write letters to people I care about, listen to my favorite music. Hopefully be able to enjoy nature one last time. And maybe ingest some mind-altering substances.
That would bigly suck because my girlfriend just travelled across the world
There are a lot of old friends I don’t keep up with aside from major events because, life. I’d call them and tell them I love them because this would be a pretty major event. I’d like to see a few of them too but would prioritize finding ways to laugh and have fun with my family and immediate family.
make sure no. 2 doesnt get seen by anyone
Drive as far away from the hellhole I live in as possible. I refuse to die here.
Basically, spend my last hours on earth trying to spark a new ecological movement.