Red State Public School in 2024
Red State Public School in 2024
Red State Public School in 2024
You forgot how they singlehandedly won WW2
If today, I wonder if the US would be more reluctant to get involved in that war, considering how seemingly half the country wish Hitler were their president.
More reluctant? It's arguable that if Japan did not directly attack the US they never would have joined. "America First" was a powerful political group that urged elected officials and the public to stay out of European wars even if Hitler took over all of Europe. America First disbanded after Pearl Harbor. Fun fact: Dr. Seuss got his start parodying this group in political cartoons.
I don't know. A lot of ideas about eugenics came from the US to Nazi Germany. US' support of allies was more political than ideological, and that in turn changed US ideology. Also, death camps which are the automatically objectionable act weren't known (or maybe weren't happening yet, I'm hazy on this) before Pearl Harbor.
Nah, that's mean to the Nazis. Republicans love Nazis now.
Always has been 👨🚀
And then realized that hitler was actually a pretty good guy, the best guy, not better than me, but really great. The whole thing was a hoax though, a witch hunt, blah blah, A lot of really good people on both sides, blah blah, poisoning the blood of our country, blah blah Jewish space lasers.
I wasn't taught much from the "slavery is good" angle in GA. It was more subtle, framed as mostly information about the goods traded and what slaves produced for the countries they were in. Like, it was all about the slave trade industry and not how awful the conditions were.
Lots of information glossed over in favor of capitalism.
They wouldn't pass up on WWII since that's the last time we were honestly seen as the good guys to the world. The Cold War would probably be there too just to show "communism doesn't work".
WWII might be risky because some students might ask what specifically made the world consider the axis evil.
"Well, little Timmy, you may have heard some other things about that whcih we're not allowed to talk about, but the truth is that there were some Germans who believed ardently in the German state's rights to do, uh, ...stuff."
You’d think they would want to talk about the Civil war too. That was a notable event in history where the democrat party of the time was the bad guys and wanted to keep slavery legal.
No no, because then white kids feel guilty and everyone has reason to doubt the glory of our beloved nation. America dindu
Republicans won't teach about WWII because they lost
Well they WERE getting seen as the good Guys with Ukraine, but Putin wasnt happy with that so the republicans have decided to get in the way of that
The moon landing wouldn’t be up there in red states.
It would be, but only to talk about how it was a waste of taxpayer money
True but depends how delusional they are. Some are further lost than others. Drinking the koolaid too much.
Nawwwe, they're all flat earthers. No way they acknowledge it if they actually get their way.
The moon landing wouldn’t be up there in red states.
Of course it would. It is one of the few actually valid examples of American exceptionalism which nationalists absolutely require as the underpinnings to their myopic ethos. In addition to teaching the history of this wonderful achievement, it will also be taught how these events never actually took place to support their claims the government actively lies to the American people requiring action for citizens to "take back" the country. Questions for both viewpoints will be on the midterm, so remember to study.
If you're wondering how these two contradictory ideas can be taught in the same classroom, then remember in MAGA school the class taught immediately prior to history is "Learning to live with Cognitive Dissonance".
Yeah but "the moon landing was a myth"
It's not really cognitive dissonance, they just don't care about facts or truth. Words are just carrier waves for emotions and aren't the signal per se
Nah now that other countries are expanding their space programs the Republicans would never pass up the chance to brag about how they were first to the moon if for nothing else than to put everyone else down.
*revised edition
Also gotta teach both theories of how the moon landing could have happened...
What is the right wing version of 1776? Or is the joke that they will revise it? If that is the joke I'll delete this once someone tells me because explaining a joke is a sin I think. I'm just curious what their revisions are if it's real
No way they let people learn about the moon landing.
(how) the moon landing (was faked)
Wait until they mandate teaching about Jan 6th tourist visit to the Capitol
The proud boys used the crowd as a distraction. They confused and occupied Capitol police while the proud boys went and broke a corner window that unlike most on the building was unreinforced and opened the door for the crowd. They brought plastic handcuffs and likely intended to take hostages
Moon landing was fake though, you can't teach something that is fake. /s
That's probably what they'll teach. That it was a fake liberal lie to undermine the glorious nation of Russia.
you can’t teach something that is fake.
Uh... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can though. Here's a little example:
Africa is a shithole country. White people were kind to accept the slaves that Africans themselves provided, and civilized them. They even gave them sammiches sometimes!
There problem solved: now little Timmy doesn't have to feel guilty about being the oppressor anymore! :-P Next week we'll cover how chaining native Americans to (active) hot stoves in 100 degree temps in the desert will help teach them the true meaning of Christianity...
Two wrongs doesn't make a right
You forgot 2001
The space Odyssey?
Probably something in there about poverty and crime rates soaring after the liberal North forced the glorious and God fearing South to end the benevolent system of slavery that provided free housing and healthcare to those poor incapable souls in its care.
Let's be real here.
The Moon Landing ain't gonna be on there.
maybe our president should make an executive order federalizing education and make standards stick
forgot never mind everything is a state by state issue and it is the citizen's fault for not voting correctly even though some are not allowed to vote and we have a militarized police to ensure citizens get put in their place and the minimum wage is $7.25 unless you win the geographic lottery and are born in a state with higher minimum wages
at least trump is not president so all is good
They tried that with Core and No Child Left Behind. AFAIK though deeply unpopular (for political and non-political reasons) they did raise the bottom bar of education in all the states.
No Child Left Behind is a neat idea, but IME in practice it leads to severely mentally disabled kids filling seats in classes where they are being “taught” subjects years ahead of their ability. It really just feels like extra stress for the students and faculty.
apparently the constitution doesn't exist in this alternate universe. Which seems weird.
It's because Republicans were against it after trump getting put off of ballots from the 14th amendment.
And 95% of it before that.
That's covered in 1776, blacks and women are 3/5 of a person
They left out:
That wealthy Saudi businessman, who had direct financial ties to the sitting president at the time.
Direct financial ties being partnership in a group that owned a bunch of arms manufacturers.
Don't forget how Saddam Hussein PERSONALLY flew both planes into the twin towers on 9/11.
The first three weeks of the Iraq war?
Don't forget the Benefits of oil
To provide an alternative viewpoint:
I'm pretty sure the cartoon is not about kids taking college-level history.
Wasn't the moon landing a nasa scam to get more budget?
Holy shit this is as stupid as anything i've seen on therightcan'tmeme.
Was it Democrats banning books mentioning sex/gender subjects and introducing creationism as a valid alternative to Darwinism?
Where have you been for the last hundred years
Watching Fox News
I genuinely hope you're trolling mate