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Today 10 years ago I got a Firefox OS phone

Today 10 years ago I went to Poland to buy a Phone with pre installed #Firefox OS on. The Phone was a Alcatel One, so very shitty. Two years later I installed Firefox OS on my Nexus 5 instead.

It was a very good concept, but sadly rolled out on too shitty hardware so it never caught on.

  • I remember using multiROM to install Lineage OS, Sailfish OS and Firefox OS all at the same time on my Nexus 4. I wished there was some kind of software today that you could dual boot an android phone.

  • Oh man, I wanted one of those so bad back in the day, how was it?

    • It was quite slow because of the hardware, it sometimes wouldn't recognize touches, and the software had so many bugs like that when you got a call, you couldn't take it because there would be some overlay over the button to take the call which would steal the touch most of the time, etc.

  • I wish so much that there was a solid Linux phone that was just as viable as any android-based device.

    There are some options, but nothing that just works.