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Asus Zenfone 10 Android 14 update [231225] ZenFone 10 _WW/EU_34.1004.0204.65 (Android 14)

【Version】 34.1004.0204.65 【Model Name】 ZenFone 10 (AI2302) 【Release Date】 2023/12/27 This version needs to be upgraded from 33.0220.0220.101 version. Since the server pushes update notice to different serial numbers by batches, it may take some days for you to receive the FOTA notice. Thanks for y...

[231225] ZenFone 10 _WW/EU_34.1004.0204.65 (Android 14)

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  • I know I'm 3 days late, but here's what's new specifically (copied from my Reddit post):

    1:Keyboard looks different

    2: The apps don't really seem to be different from Android 13/ZenUI 10 to Android 14/ZenUI 11 (contrary to the changelog)

    3: New back arrow gesture design! (It's so satisfying! I can play with it for hours!)

    4: Flashlight can blink for notifications and ringtones (and the screen can be set to pulse a color for notifications, too!)

    5: "Touch sounds" renamed to "Tap and click sounds"

    6: New battery chart

    7: Color of clock on lock screen can be changed separately from theme

    8: Monochrome theme

    9: SOT indicator is back!

    10: Media player has some slight design tweaks (and new animations)

    However, bootloader unlock is still unavailable.