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  • The only time I seed, really. If there's only like 2 or 3 seeders and they have shit connections, I'll seed for a while. Not that my upload speed is any good...

    But on a thing with thousands of seeders and maybe 20 leeches? Why? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • I did this with the That 70s show FGT torrents. Nobody seeds older media anymore, so each one had/has a >30 ratio on the 5GB-per-season BDrips

    I wish for low-risk older media people would just keep the seed open forever. Very little bandwidth will be taken up but people will have it there if they want to go back and watch it.

  • I pretty much always leave stuff seeding once I get it these days. Ever since I bumped the disk space on my NAS it made it a lot easier to leave stuff instead of jockeying for space on disk.

    My higher ratio items are all old shits like You Got Served lmao

  • Had that with a few movies recently which took about a week to download. I removed my limits for those, I'm only at a ratio of 5 or smth on those tho. Still, it's honest work

  • The only torrent I ever removed my seed cap for was a set of DVD-audio ISOs. I had it downloading for months, but it never got above 5%. Eventually I found the same disc images on another site, so I dropped them in the download folder and rechecked the torrent, which came back 97% complete. The only files missing were box art scans and NFOs. I let that thing seed for about five months.