My most pleasant surprise on the Deck this year has been Shadow of War. It plays on high settings at a smooth, consistent 60FPS, even in big battles. As a fan of its predecessor, Shadow of Mordor, I've been loving it!
Worst was definitely American Truck Simulator. I'd been interested in the game for a long while, and finally decided to buy it when it was only $5. I got about halfway through the tutorial before I refunded it and added it to my Ignore list.
It's a game that requires next to no focus to play. Perfect for putting on a podcast and relaxing. Probably best for those who enjoy driving. Not everyone's cup of tea tho, I get that
As for the UI, if it's like ets2, it's dated but not too bad. It is an old but very good truck driving game
Especially after you configure it with control settings on the deck. It has native steam input support so all controls are configured on the deck menus itself.
It's really easy, I have right touchpad for looking around and using the mouse in menus, and back paddles to signals, center camera and toggle lights
For some reason, I simply focus so much better when playing ets2 lool. I can't listen to podcasts any other way, my mind always wonders
Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War are both on my deck backlog, I bought the first one years ago and couldn't get it to run on my computer at the time, and got the second one from a recent bundle.
One of these days I'll finish my installed games and play through them.