Steam Boat Willie belongs to the People!
Steam Boat Willie belongs to the People!
Steam Boat Willie belongs to the People!
After ruining copyright law and borrowing from public domain works, Disney finally loses a property to public domain. An incredible start to the new year!
Only after they bought everything under the sun
Don't worry, we may yet live to see Star Wars go public domain (2072)
Akchualy Oswald the lucky rabbit became public domain in the 60s 🤓
Disney: You weren't supposed to do that
OP mysteriously dies by jumping out a first story window.
Are disney executives blinded by quarterly revenue that they dont see any value lobbying for extending copyright laws?? Nice
Is this actually happening or did they manage to extend the copyright again?
Disney has been using Steamboat Willy in the beginning credits of their shows/movies for a while now. They are attempting to make it a Trademark (since the copyright wouldn't be extended further). Since Trademarks must be defended, Disney will likely start suing anyone using Steamboat Willy on grounds of Trademark violation.
IP law is literally holding humanity back from progress its so infuriating. It was created with the good intentions for people to be able to profit from their inventions and creativity, but has been bastardized by corporations to have strangleholds on innovations that could benefit all of humanity yet profit matters more than people in this Capitalist hell scape.