Linux reaches new high 3.82%
Linux reaches new high 3.82%
This graph shows the market share of desktop operating systems worldwide based on over 5 billion monthly page views.
Linux reaches new high 3.82%
This graph shows the market share of desktop operating systems worldwide based on over 5 billion monthly page views.
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Meanwhile in India: (14.51%)
indias growth is so important, it's such a dense country so growth will be rapidly exponential unlike 95â of other countries. it's the perfect mixing pot of technologically literate, dense, money conscious, and distrustful of western influence for linux to thrive in. once india is dominated by linux, it will expand outwards so fast.
Will the scammers finally stop telling me to go to the start menu to check if I have their virus?
Are you using gnome or kde madam? Are your programs show on the left or the bottom?
No no no, sudooo no sodooo madam
I hear this like I am saying this because I am Indian. Lmao
are you using i3, hyprland, sway, or dwm maam?
Seriously, I'm impressed on just how much influence Linux has in India, not only as an OS, but as a community. I'm in charge of some of the Fedora social media accounts and it really impressed me at first how India is consistently one the top 3 countries our followers are from in all of them.