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What's your favorite music player on Linux?

Mine is Strawberry since it has a ton of options and plays a ton of formats. It's also (distant) fork of Amarok 1.4 and integrates well with KDE Plasma. I'm curious what other people are using these days. What's your favorite player?

  • I have been bouncing between CLI/GUI and several there of. On the CLI side I'm flipping back and forth between cmus and musikcube. I prefer cmus as it seems faster and has vim key motions an commands, but I like the TUI of musikcube better, its just got soo much extra stuff I don't use. I'd love to find a rust rewrite of it that trimmed out the web-server and most of the plugins as I never use them (and yes all you suckless heads I know, I could edit source and rebuild it but... Ain't nobody got time for that).

    Another point for these is being able to detach them, both work fine in detached sessions so I can start an album or playlist and just say that's it, back to work. I use Zellij but I imagine using tmux or whatever would work just as well.

    Now as for graphical apps I tend to use Amberol or Rhythmbox depending on what I'm doing, honestly both go fairly unused most the time. But I like having options, Amberol is more geared towards playlist style music so mixtapes or albums not shuffle all. Whereas Rhythmbox will let me just click my library and go ... both have good integrations to the widget stack in gnome and cinnamon as well as bars like nwg panel and Waybar.

    Ooh had a fun though and tested. Musikcube works better in tty mode. So I will sometimes open second users in tty mode with ctrl+alt+f(1-5) or even clone a session into tty mode. and i just checked and cmus doesn't draw the whole screen only whats highlighted. so if you have to drop back to shell or something musikcube is the better option... although i imagine if you're in that situation music players and such are not high on the priority list :/ .

  • mpd + ncmpc

    I am but a simple man. All my music is FLAC. It is arranged neatly in folders. I just want to select an album to play. I do not need album covers, playlists, search, streaming, tags, lyrics, analyzers, or scrobbling.

    • Agreed, with the exception of album covers. I like it all to look nice on my Hidizs when I'm on the go.

    • More of a gmpc kinda person. Unless there's a better GUI for mpd out there?

      There's always mpdas for scrobbling

  • Tauon Music Box. I just point it at my Navidrome instance and hit shuffle usually.

    • I've been using Tauon for years now and I still love it.

    • I use this with my Jellyfin server, but holy shit has it been wonky. I hit shuffle on my entire library and there's albums it's never even played and other with more plays than other albums combined.

      • Are you sure it's a Tauon issue and not a Jellyfin issue? I can't say I've had it mis-report play counts for me but I use it with Navidrome, not Jellyfin - maybe Jellyfin doesn't follow the Airsonic API as strictly or something?

  • I don't really love any that I've tried so far, but I dislike Audacious the least. FLAC, Musepack, and ReplayGain support are requirements for my library.

    The last one I loved was foobar2000 on Windows, which supplanted Winamp. Linux UIs mostly feel a bit clunky by comparison. When the window has focus I like to have spacebar for pause/play, arrows up/down for primary gain, and arrows left/right for seek.

    • YES, foobar2000!

      I also gravitated towards Audacious, but I foobar2000 was 10/10. Might consider running it through Wine, since Audacious is not quite there unfortunately

  • Elisa for when i want my whole music library (it is a bit lacking in features tho), audacious w/ winamp classic skin (vibes) when im just playing files on my kde plasma box, and cmus on my qtile setup :3 also sicmuplayer on android cuz its the best

  • MPD + Cantata
    For the most part I just lump all my music into one playlist regardless of album or genre, but day to day I also use several different computers, and I find MPD to be the best for syncing configurations across all of them. Cantata also allows me to see album artwork and track information really easily and has good touchscreen support compared to terminal-based MPD clients.

  • For the most part I use ncmpcpp with mpd, but sometimes whenever I just want to listen to a single file I use mpv --no-video instead....