do you use revanced?
do you use revanced?
do you use revanced?
I wouldn't use youtube anymore without it
I would not use YT either without Smart Tube Next on my Shield TV lol.
YT premium can fuck off until they ad Sponsorblock... Which they will never do.
More people need to know about Smart Tube. Like sure my desktop computer is totally on ad lockdown but my tv isn’t connected to my computer so i was stuck with normal youtube on my amazon fire stick for the longest time until i had enough and went looking on my own. Never going back. Should work on most android smart tv devices.
Yes, I can't live without it
Not sure why anyone would rather pay Google money vs simply installing YouTube revanced. If that ever goes away (it won't), then I'll just go back to Firefox + extensions for YouTube on mobile.
I have an account I bought from an Indian friend for around $20/y, and the only way I use it is for my TVs. They are "smart", but not android-based, causing me to not be able to install smartube or the likes.
Fair enough. If you happen to have an LG like I do, I recently learned this trick to install ad-free YouTube. Worked like a charm.
I just skipped that and went straight for firefox with ublock. It's not as good of an experience but I thought fuck it. Youtube's going to fight these app solutions every time, but they probably can't make Mozilla remove extensions. Plus I don't have to be worried about logging my google account (even a burner) into an unknown dev's app vs mozilla who I trust more.
That's a good point! I had trouble sometimes getting background audio to work after closing the app, but this was over a year ago at this point before I switched to vanced (and ultimately revanced). There is probably a fix for that by now.
Revanced is great. I wish it could let me bypass some of the inbuilt limits like not being able to download videos, but that's a small price to pay for removing like 99 of the ads
You can use a downloader like Seal and when you want to download a video just share it to Seal.
or use the external video downloader feature
After discovering revanced and smarttube I refuse to ever go back
I was a vanced migrant to newPipe when the former was cut off. Haven't tried revanced since newPipe has seemed perfectly servicable for me.
Do you still have to do the whole export import of your subscriptions thing? Or do you just not use subscriptions? Can it sync playlists across devices?
I absolutely LOVE smartube next on android TV since it still works with my subscriptions and playlists. Too bad they don't have a smartphone version.
Do you still have to do the whole export import of your subscriptions thing? Or do you just not use subscriptions? Can it sync playlists across devices?
Yup, still need to do export/import. Re syncing: you'd have to use an external syncing mechanism like syncthing or nextcloud and even then you'd need to export manually.
I don't think NewPipe will ever get any syncing mechanism itself, it tries to be privacy first and doesn't support any server side code, they rejected the SponsorBlock patch bc it leakes data to a server as well
Its a very cool app and enough for me, but some things just will not be possible
No I use NewPipe
No. I use NewPipe x SponsorBlock. -Link
use that too sometimes
Yes, also
No, I'm using NewPipe
I do. I tried newpipe but not being able to log into my account was a deal breaker. The only negative I have with revanced is that I can't cast with it, although having Smart Tube on my Chromecast helps.
Interesting, I can cast with it just fine.
i never purposefully used the casting feature
Revanced can also patch ads out of TikTok and Instagram 👀
Doesn't that leave TikTok rather empty?
No, I just use Firefox + Ublock Origin
Douglas Adams would be proud of your username. Or maybe horrified. Not sure.
A little of both I'd hope.
Yes, and Smart Tube Next on my Shield TV.
I appreciate that tools like New pipe exist, but I need my account and my watch list with me.
I use Clipious, an Android client for Invidious, on my phone. I selfhost my own Indivious instance so this is perfect in that my phone never connects to YouTube directly, and I can save all my subscriptions in one place without a YouTube account.
On my Android TV I use Smart Tube Next. If I really need to cast, I also have YouTube ReVanced on my phone for just that, but I barely use it.
As soon as Clipious gets a proper Android TV interface, I'll be set, as both devices can just connect to Invidious and let it do all the work.
i have clipious installed too just barely use it
Yes, absolute game changer. Can't live without it. Use various videos to go to sleep to at night and the last thing I need is for ads that the original content creator didn't even ask for that are 5x as loud as the video I have playing.
Yeah I specifically use Revanced Extended which adds more patches for YouTube and YouTube Music.
Question as a newbie with revanced, can I log in or will that get my account banned ?
I was using Vanced for around a year, and immediately switched to Revanced when it became available. No issues so far
I've used vanced for years and revanced for easily 6 months. I haven't heard of anyone getting banned since it uses MicroG for the login, but there could be a part of the TOS everyone signed that says you can't use your account to bypass their "rules", so it could be a technical violation 🤷♂️
I just tried and having no issues so far :)
I've been logged in on two different accounts for years and haven't noticed anything. It uses microg to handle the login stuff and I haven't heard of any issues like that happening with others either.
I've been using revanced since it came out and vanced for years until it died. I haven't had any issues with my account at any point using either app.
Well a fast tutorial I can give is this.
Hope that looks good formatted. I'm on my phone lol.
nah mabye I'd change the premium logo but not much
Nope. I use NewPipe but I also have YouTube Premium if I ever need it.
I use YouTube premium but I use ReVanced to get rid of all the sponsors.
I know what a VPN is I don't need to be told about it every time I'm trying to watch a video.
I tried so many YT frontends and I found ReVanced to be the best, imo.
The fact that you can you can keep your account AND customize you frond end to your liking is pretty awesome.
SmartTube if you have an Android TV / Chromecast etc
Yep i use revanced on my phone and smart tube on my firestick
I'm on a YouTube premium family plan for free right now, because my sister had an extra spot open. Once my nephew grows up and I get kicked off, I'll switch to ReVanced or NewPipe.
I tried ReVanced but kept getting ads anyway, especially banner ads and ads in shorts so I went and bought Premium Family for me and my friends. Then I realised I needed SponsorBlock so now I have YouTube Premium + ReVanced (with the block ads patch disabled)
I am sure that the ReVanced group have probably fixed the issue and ads are properly blocked now but its so cheap in my country (especially Premium Family) that I don't even think about it
Okay, since this is kind of on topic I want to ask a question. I patched YouTube with ReVanced Manager for my girlfriend. I’ve unchecked the patch that hides the cast button in the player, yet it’s gone anyways! To cast to TV, you have to go into the settings. What can I do with this?
I believe the microG builds by inotia00 don't support Chromecast but the latest microG by team vanced does. You can still get it from GitHub.
Make sure you turn off hide cast button in Settings > ReVanced > Layout > Hide cast button
Thanks, I’ll check this.
The fork of the original vanced that I used broke so I switched to revanced.
No I don't watch videos on mobile
Yes. For YouTube and infinity for reddit
Fuck reddit and fuck Spez
Si ce we are on topic, is there a way to have DeArrow on mobile? (potentially I could install it on FF, but would prefer an app for YT).
No, i only use Newpipe Sponsorblock
I did but more and more videos don't play anymore.
Have you tried getting a more updated APK and repatching it? I haven't had any issues for several months after doing that. ReVanced Manager should tell which version to get.
YT changed something in their backend, there's a new patch (client spoofing) available that fixes it. You'll have to re-patch your youtube APK.
I use LibreTube.
Firefox nightly has all the usual extentions (ublock, sponsor block, and yt enhanced) so these days I just use that (with NP for downloads)
Yes the Revanced YouTube Music app
I hope it does pay them. I always had the impression that lots of viewers watching ads gave them money.
One view of a premium member gives more to creators than one view of a non-premium ad watch. YouTubers giving a look into their payments have confirmed this.
That's a fair take also. Plenty of YouTubers have said they get decent money from people who watch their content from premium members. They're never really transparent with how much (compared to a normal user view) these views are giving them, but that's fine.
All the time. At this point I'm waiting to replace my second hand iPad with an Android tablet so I can achieve a truly optimal YT experience.
I wish, but I’m too afraid of rooting my Iphone. I’ve been used to the ios ui for so long but I’m switching to anything not apple as soon as this one dies. I’m sick of everything apple.
off topic: what lemmy apps you used to use and are using currently
Also xManager, a similar tool for Spotify. I'd use revanced for YTmusic, but most people seem to use Spotify and it's nice to be able to share playlists with friends.
I have reVanced but unfortunately I struggle with getting it to work consistently. Most commonly, the video will play for a minute or so and then buffer endlessly. My Internet research tells me the only way to fix it is to root my device, and I'm honestly not willing to go that far. Luckily I have adblock installed on my phone, so the official app is tolerable.
That happened to me about a week ago, I just reinstalled the recommended version in the manager and it works fine now
It might be that you need to update your APK.
It happens at times that Google changes something on the backend and you need to repack a new APK version.
i have a wierd glitch where when I haven't been on revanced for a good amount of time a endless buffer will come but i just press the back button and it's gone
The other replier is right. I have the same issue every few months and all I have to do is download the recommended YouTube APK & reinstall revanced with the default patches.
Had this issue again 3 days ago and it fixed it. Just be sure you are patching the APK you downloaded and not the original YouTube app. That caused the patching to fail the first few times till I noticed.
I'd love a walkthrough on how to do that. To be honest, it's been a while since I installed it and I've forgotten what I needed to do.
yes :) but i should use newpipe
ReVanced extended through Revancify
I'd love to continue using it but I've had issues with videos getting stuck in endless loading. So I have both revanced and the normal app installed
I've been having a similar problem the last couple days, can't seem to find a solution yet however.
Patch more recent supported youtube client it will fix the issue.
I used it years ago with an alt. Downloaded it again the other day and it's like a time capsule lol. I don't want to get my main account banned so I haven't signed in with it, but since all my subscriptions are on my main, I'm alternating between newpipe, stock app, and revanced when I want to chromecast smth (which I haven't done in a while)
it doesn't get you banned i use revanced with my current main
Oh. Well I have to wait at this point cause my dad is my recovery email so he'll get notified when I sign in. I already got him spammed with emails when I switched to librewolf and had to sign in again on like 3-4 devices so I could've tried to do it in the midst of that but I didn't. I'll wait until we get new phones and then I'll sign in then. I'll see. Maybe I'll do it today, I thought I had done it before so idk why I have to re-sign in to microg
well if you use micro g thing
No I choose to financially support Google and Youtube creators with Premium
I do both. I have YouTube Premium, but I also use ReVanced because it's just a better app than the standard YouTube one. It has far better options, like removing a lot of the bloat - cough Shorts cough - and many nice quality-of-life features. It feels much more responsive than the standard app for me, too - I'm using an older device and the standard YouTube app can feel pretty sluggish.
im technically a creator