There's a lot of talk of the "obesity epidemic" and this is often discussed in scientific terms, about "counting calories" to lose weight, or fad weight loss diets (which can work), or just "exercising more and eating less"
But I've thought from time to time that maybe this is more of a spiritual problem of the sin of gluttony, and as such it may not be as easily solved by self-will and discipline, but by the grace of God through people undergoing holy fasts for the good of soul and body
What do you think about the spiritual dimension of the "obesity epidemic", or the traditional idea of the sin of gluttony?
Gluttony: the word we use to distinguish between those with a high metabolism and those with a low one.
Seriously, this is asinine. No, the obesity epidemic is not a spiritual one. It's a cultural health and science one, because we haven't had normal chemicals in our bodies in a century.