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Political Memes

Voting is changing the Oil to keep the engine running

While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • Copying and pasting my own comment from another thread:

    If you want leftists to vote for dems, despite dems pissing on leftists at every possible chance and yelling at leftists to fall in line, I'll show you how.

    1. Point out that voting will never, ever, ever move the democrat party to the left. You cannot vote the party harder to the left.
    2. Point out that Republicans are going to remain fascists.
    3. Point out that voting third party is a spoiler vote and will result in fascists winning.
    4. Point out that the actual way to move to the left is to unionize and organize at the grassroots level, to apply bottom-up pressure on the top.

    The answer is not to pretend that Biden is anything other than a Neoliberal Capitalist. Leftists will correctly point out that Biden is still a lukewarm neoliberal maintaining the status quo, and feel further alienated by being told they should love him anyways. That just encourages voter apathy.

    Additionally, this meme is wrong. Leftists voted, it was the centrists and moderates that didn't. Hillary wasn't appealing in any way, so only the people who really cared voted. Hillary still won the popular vote, she just lost the electoral college, and Trump succeeded in riling up the fascist base. Do not blame Leftists for not falling in line for an extremely unlikable candidate, they did regardless. Blame Hillary for doing jack-shit to energize the base.

  • If democrats didn't shove through hillary as the nominee, we wouldn't have had trump. Democrats don't actually care about harm reduction, they'd rather let fascists win than let progress through.

    • You aint wrong, thats why i specifically mentioned educating and Organizing throughout the year.

      • Not just that, but all four years too. All these fucking Bernie Bros just showed up at the eleventh hour and expected to get their way.

        I was one of the few people in my local party office that was for Bernie. I consider myself to the left of him. When they started to show up I thought "great, finally some more people on my side." Then they started flooding the meetings, yelling and screaming, at people that have been putting in hard work for years. They expected everyone to do what they want just because they showed up to a few meetings just before the primary.

        Not a-fucking-one of them phone banked, canvassed, or anything else. Just red faced yelling at people that had donated their time for years. People I disagreed with, but knew and respected for years. They might have been on my side but I sure as hell wasn't on theirs. It almost turned me off of Bernie even though I know it wasn't his fault. I went from being firmly for him to considering Hillary because fuck those guys (not really, but I was pissed).

        If you want the party to change, show up every meeting, not a few weeks every four years. I'll be there waiting, I could really use your help pulling this place to the left and getting more progressive candidates the support I think they deserve.

  • "If Poliece voted for Hillary in 2016..."

    Hillary Clinton is/was not obliged to anyones vote and should have run a better campaign to attract leftest by doing bare minimun actions like supporting trans people or election/education reform. She also could have chosen a different candidate for running mate rather then the complete personality void that she ended up with as a sop to some imaginary "moderate conservitive" that was simpathetic to humanity over their net worth.

    But she didnt. I wish she ran a better campaign as well, we may have been better off with her in office in 2016, but the issues that trump brought into focus in our society were not caused by him. They have been here the whole time.

  • Finn here. You guys can't let Trump win. Gaza will be even more fucked than now. Ukraine will be fucked, which will lead to all of Europe being fucked. Your own country will also be more fucked than now. I hate Biden too, but Trump will be a total nightmare.

  • How many more of these stinking, double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote FOR something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?

    Hunter S. Thompson, 1972.

    50 years.

  • When corporate lobbyists completely control the only two viable parties, then voting is rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.