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  • Masks prevent one on one transmission. Washing your hands prevents many to many transmission. Surfaces are touched by more people than you’ll directly interact with in a day

    Almost like more than one person breathes the air in a room, just like 'surfaces are touched by more people than you'll directly interact with in a day'. If you're on an airplane or working as a doctor seeing sick people, it makes sense to wear a mask even if you aren't displaying symptoms, because masks reduce the transmission of airborne viruses, both for you and for the people around you. For the same reason washing your hands is efficacious when touching lots of public surfaces, wearing a mask is efficacious when breathing the same air as lots of potentially sick and at-risk individuals, especially if you are doing so frequently.

    I'm not concerned with what your personal practices are with your mask-wearing, but you've been downplaying the efficacy of masks this entire thread and then backsliding when you meet resistance. You're making up rational based on "wearing a mask is inconvenient", vibes-based logic. You don't think masks are worth the inconvenience for healthcare workers, and I'm saying they objectively and meaningfully reduce the spread, and whatever perceived inconvenience you feel is worth it if it prevents transmission in high traffic and high-risk environments.

    • more than one person breathes the air in a room

      Sure, but air is also continuously recycled in a building. The CDC recommends 5 air replacements per hour, and most commercial buildings are above that.

      working as a doctor seeing sick people

      Agreed. But that's not what I'm talking about. I explicitly said I would wear a mask if I'm sick, in close proximity to someone who is known to be sick, or in close proximity to someone who is known to be at significant risk of becoming sick.

      All of that is completely within CDC recommendations.

      Most people are not around sick or at risk people all day, so wearing a mask is pretty silly for them. The additional protection against someone who might be sick in public is minimal (you probably won't get COVID from a chance encounter with an asymptomatic carrier), especially if you've already been wearing it all day.

      Handwashing helps prevent accidental contact, so it's highly recommended regardless. You should be washing your hands consistently throughout the day even if you don't work with sick or at risk people.

      you've been downplaying the efficacy of masks this entire thread

      Alternative perspective: you've been consistently misinterpreting what I've said.

      I cited efficacy numbers, which are based on close proximity to a symptomatic individual. That's not the situation we're discussing, we're talking about all day use of masks even when not in the presence of a symptomatic carrier. You're getting at best 50% reduced risk of infection, probably much lower. If you're if you're in a commercial building with typical ventilation, asymptomatic carriers will have their breath sucked into the ventilation fairly quickly (typical office is probably ~5 cycles per hour, a hospital is probably more frequent). The risk for infection from proximity to someone who is merely a carrier is already quite low, and adding a mask doesn't meaningfully increase your protection.

      That's why I'm opposed to all-day wearing of masks for most people. It's not going to meaningfully reduce your risk of infection. If you're around known sick or at-risk people, absolutely wear a mask. If you're not (i.e. you're part of the majority), wearing a mask is essentially pointless.

      You don't think masks are worth the inconvenience for healthcare workers

      I do, just not for every role of healthcare worker. Healthcare workers should wear one when in the presence of someone who is sick or at risk. If they're working with sick people, wear a mask. If they're doing well checks, routine procedures, etc, I don't see a point.

      In other words, dress appropriately for the work you're doing. The CDC has reasonable recommendations here, and I follow them myself, and sometimes go beyond. I don't follow the "always wear a mask" mantra though; that's not what the CDC recommends, and that's not what any healthcare professional I've ever talked to recommends.

      I feel like I've been very consistent here. Wear a mask if you're around sick or at risk people, don't bother if you're not (unless there's a local spike in cases or something that changes local guidance, but that should go without saying).

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